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Chapter 21:

Madison's POV

"Chase, it's time to get up." I say walking into the bedroom. He slowly rolls over and opens his brown eyes, and simply smiled.

"What are you so smiley about?" I ask laying down next to him.

"I'm just lucky to have you." He replied in his raspy morning voice. I smile as he pulls me closer to him. It was finally Monday, I didn't have to go into work, I finally had a day off.

"Hey, I was thinking." Chase pauses.


"If you would like to move in with me." Chase says nervously playing with my hand. It's about time he finally asks me! I would miss Amanda, but I really gotta move out, she can be a handful at times. Knowing my answer, I turned over to face him.

"Yes, I would love that." I smile. Our relationship was getting serious, we've been back together for a couple of months now. It was almost back to what is was before.

"I could run over to the house and grab my stuff sometime today." I add.

"The sooner the better." Chase replies.


"Amanda?" I call out walking into my house. I walk into the kitchen to see someone who I did not want to see. Bubba. He was talking to Amanda, and they both stopped once they saw me.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

"Bubba wanted to talk to you. What are you doing home, I thought you were at Chase's house for the whole day?" Amanda asks.

"Oh, I'm moving in with Chase. Chase is on his way over to help." I reply. I can see Bubba's face turn red with anger, and his fists clinched.

"I have a couple minutes. Bubba you wanna talk?" I ask trying to sound like I knew nothing. He nods and grabs my hand and guides me to the living room.

"What's wrong Bubba?" I ask sitting down.

"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you." Bubba nervously replies. "Maddie, I l-like you." I tried to act surprised, but that failed. Bubba looked at me weirdly, and asked what was the matter.

"I saw the texts between you and Dylan." I force myself to say.

"What?" He asks.

"When we were at Kentucky, I saw something that Dylan texted you and I kinda looked through your texts." I state.

"Oh, then I guess you know everything." Was all Bubba said.

"Listen, I only like you as a friend Bubba. Plus I'm with Chase." I say softly.

"See that's what I don't get. After all Chase put you through, you still have him another chance! Who was there when he wasn't? I was!" Bubba explodes standing up.

"I know, and I'm thankful for that! I love Chase every much, I couldn't stand the fact that we might not have gotten back together! I believe in second chances, you know that Bubba!" I start to raise my voice.

"He cheated on you with his ex, for crying out loud! And he replaced you with Hannah! I know you believe in second chances, but he didn't deserve one!" He yells.

"Yes, I am aware of what he did! But I have him another chance, because I love him! Whatever happened to you and Shelby?" I snap.

"We broke up, when you and Chase were broken up. I thought I had a chance with you, but you decided to get back with that idiot you call your boyfriend!" He explodes.

"What did you just call him?!" I ask snappy.

"You heard me! I called him and idiot, because he freckin' is one! He broke your heart for crying out loud! You deserve better!" Bubba yells louder.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Chase yells barging in. I quickly turn my head towards his direction, as he walks up behind me.

"Look who decided to finally show up! Chase Elliott! Your a little late, let me guess you were throwing yourself at another girl!" Bubba retorts.

"What did you just say to me?" Chase asks narrowing his eyes, with hatred in his voice. Bubba pushes Chase away from me and Chase loses it.

"Chase, let it go." I say grabbing his waist as he was about to attack Bubba. He looks down at me with anger in his eyes, but the anger slowly started to fade.

"What's this about?" He whispers hugging me.

"Bubba has feelings for me." I whisper back. I could feel his body tense up, and he pulls his head back to look at me in shock.

"He what?" Chase asks loud enough for Bubba to hear. I could see the anger slowly start to grow back in Chase's eyes. He slowly looks over at Bubba then back at me.

"There now you know the truth. Go ahead come at me!" Bubba snaps. Chase was going to go for him, but something changed. He walks over to Bubba and grabs his collar.

"Stay the hell away from MY girlfriend. You hear me?" Chase says in a threatening tone. It sacred the living daylights out of Bubba, and he nods without say a word. Chase lets Bubba go. I haven't seen Chase that mad, in my entire life. I was even scared of him, it was a side of him I never thought he had.

"Get out." Chase states. Bubba grabs his things and left without saying a thing... Chase turns to me and pulls me into his embrace.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." Was all I could say.

"I got the truck outside, you ready to pack?" Chase says changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I nod. Amanda comes walking down with a box and sets it by the door.

"I packed for you Maddie, while you guys were talking." Amanda says.

"Thank you Amanda." I smile giving her a hug.

"Call me if you ever want to talk. I'm always gonna be here for you Maddie." She whispers.

"I will, thank you." I whisper in reply. Chase starts taking the boxes outside to his truck as Amanda and I finished up talking.

"Truck is all packed up. You ready?" Chase asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Goodbye you two, don't have too much fun!" Amanda calls out.

"No promises." I laugh as Chase opens up the passenger door for me. I hop into my seat as he closes the door, and comes around the other side. The car ride was quiet, both of us thinking about what just happened with Bubba...

A/N- here's  another chapter for you guys! I've been having writers block, but finally came up with something, and it's gonna bring a lot of drama. And a couple of other old characters are gonna be showing up and twisting up the storyline... Wanna guess who?

Thanks for all the reads! Sorry for any mistakes! Enjoy! Comment and vote!


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