Back Together?

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A/N- Still cannot believe he won!

Chapter 18:

Madison's POV


"Maddie, we need to talk." Chase says finally catching up to me.

"What? That your still in love with me? Because I've already heard it. You've been in love with me this whole time, and making me wait." I say.

"Maddie-" Chase began but stopped.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Chase asks.

"You heard me." Was all I said.

"You still love me? After all I put you through?" Chase asks.

"Yes, I do Chase. I never stopped."

*End of Recap*

It's been about three weeks since the secret came out. I don't really know where Chase and I stand right now, but he knows I still love him.

"Nice job Regan." I say walking up to him in victory lane. We just got done here at Mid Ohio, and ended up finishing fourth, not bad.

"Thanks Maddie." Regan smiles. I give him a hug and then walked out of victory lane. It was an interesting race, Regan pushed Alex Tagliani (however you spell his name) out of the way for the win. I do a couple more interviews and then decided to head back to my motor home. As I entered the lot of motor homes, I see Chase pacing back and fourth by my motor home.

"Chase, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Michigan?" I ask walking towards him.

"I'm supposed to be, but this couldn't wait." Chase says.

"What couldn't wait?" I ask confused.

"Maddie, I miss you. Nobody would understand how much I miss you. I wake up everyday thinking of you. I still think of us. I would give up everything and I mean everything to get back to the way we used to be. Getting over you was hard, and I'm one hundred percent sure I'll never get over you. I love you Maddie, and I always will. Would do please give me another chance?" Chase says trying to hold back his emotions.

"Chase-." I stop myself.


"Umm Maddie?" Chase asks.

"Yeah?" I ask turning my head towards him.

"Umm, well I was wondering, if umm if you would be my girlfriend?" He asks. My heart stopped at that very moment. Did Chase Elliott just ask me? Me out of all people to be his girlfriend? Sure, I have a crush on him, but yet I'm not ready to date again.

Say yes Madison! This might be your only shot!

"Yes!" I blurted out unexpectedly. I mentally slapped myself. What did I just do? Chase's dark brown eyes lite up, and a smile came across his face.

"Really?" He asked still smiling. I laughed, because he could not wipe that smile off of his face. I nod and smiled. He pulls me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. It was a good two minutes before we pulled back, and before we both know we kissed. again.

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