The Secret

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Chapter 20:

Chase's POV

This weekend has been kinda been going slow. Maddie and I are in two different places away from each other. She's in Kentucky for Xfinity, and I'm in New Hampshire. It's been pretty lonely without Maddie here. With her practices, appearances, and interviews mixed in with all of my practice, appearances, and interviews it's hard enough to find time to even talk on the phone. That's why after qualifying, I'm flying straight to Kentucky for her race tonight.

"Come on Chase it's time for qualifying!" Alan calls out. As I started walking towards the garage, my phone buzzed.

From Maddie❤️: Good luck in qualifying! Love you!

To Maddie❤️: Thanks darling, love you more!

Madison's POV

"Madison, can we get a quick interview?" Kelli Stavast asks walking up with a camera crew.

"Sure, why not?" I smile.

"Just caught with Madison Blaney, qualified third for tonight's race. You've been showing speed all weekend, throughout this weekend what have you learned about your car that can help you possibly get a victory tonight?" She asks.

"We are actually really good in the short and long runs. We've been lacking long run speed, for awhile now. Cannot wait for tonight's race and see what we got." I smile.

"As the season coming to an end in a couple of months, and as you're about to take over for Dale Earnhardt Jr., is there any extra pressure about winning a second championship?"

"Umm yes and no. There's a lot of pressure to fill in that big of shoes, but there's also been a lot of support too." I reply.

"Alright, good luck in the race tonight. Hopefully we'll see you get your eighth win here this season." Kelli says.

"Thank you." I smile. I walk back to my motor, just to see Bubba on my couch playing video games.

"How long have you been in here?" I ask.

"About thirty minutes now." He replies focusing on his game. I walk past him and closed the door to the bed room. I got changed into normal clothes, and walked back out.

"You're gonna crash." I say plopping onto the couch. He was playing NASCAR '15 like he always does.

"No I'm not." He laughs. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Bubba pauses the game.

"Sweet, the pizza is here." Bubba cheers.

"You seriously bought a pizza?" I question. He nods and walks over to the door. As he was having a conversation with whoever, Bubba's phone vibrates. On the lock screen it said 'Dude you can't like her, she's with Chase.'

"What?" I whisper to myself. I grab his phone and noticed it was from Dylan. I unlock is phone and looked at the whole conversation.

Bubba: Dylan, I think I like Maddie.

Dylan: What!!! How?

Bubba: I don't know man. I mean every time I see her with Chase, I get jealous. How did he get her back even? After all he put her through?

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