The Daytona 500

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Chapter 6:

Madison's POV

"CHASE! MADISON! WAKE UP!"  Someone says banging on the window. I jerk up and walked out to the front of the motor home. I look behind the curtains and see Ryan.

"You guys overslept! Race starts in 45 minutes!" Ryan says. I look over at the clock and my eye widened. I jump off the couch and ran to the bedroom.

"Chase! We overslept." I say shaking him.

"Huh?" He says rolling over facing me.

"We overslept! The race starts in 45 minutes!" I say. It takes a moment for it to all sink in. When it did he jumped out of bed and grabbed his fire suit. I grabbed my clothes and rushed into the bathroom. I throw on some jeans, a tank top, and my Chase Elliott shirt on. I quickly did my hair and makeup and rushed back out.

"I can't believe we overslept again." Chase says looking for something.

"Where are my shoes!" Chase says frustrated.

"Umm their on your feet Chase." I laugh. Chase looks down and then looks back up at me.

"What would I do without you."  He says kissing me. 

"You want me to answer that?" I ask pulling away.

"No, not really." He laughs. I grab my phone and sunglasses and we walked out making our way to pit road.

"Your late Chase." Alan says.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." Chase apologies. Chase and Alan go over the adjustments they made after final practice. Chase did a couple interviews before pre race ceremonies

"Pre race ceremonies in one minute." An official calls out. Chase and I walk over and stood by his car as ceremonies began to start. Chase wraps his arm around me as they did the prayer.

"Please remove your hats as Daytona native Hannah White sings our National Anthem." The announcer says.  She sings the National Anthem beautifully and once she ends, I turn to Chase.

"Be safe, please." I say giving him a hug

"I will, I promise. I love you." He replies.

"I love you too." I reply kissing him.

"I'm gonna go see Ryan before he gets in his car." I add.

"Okay." He replies. I walk down pit road a little bit over to Ryan's car.

"Good luck brother." I say.

"Hey there's my sister. Taking sides huh?" Ryan laughs looking at my Chase Elliott shirt.

"What? No I'm not!" I laugh.

"Not cheering on your brother. I see how it is." Ryan jokes.

"I am now." I say taking his hat off and putting it on.

"Ryan time to get into the car." His car chief says. I give him one more hug and then walk back to Chase's pit box.

"Hi Cindy." I smile climbing up in Chase's pit box.

"Hello Madison." She says giving me a hug. I take my seat and grabbed the scanner Alan had handed to me.

'Drivers, start your engines!' The engines start up as I go to the 24 channel. The pace car rolls off pit road, and the cars follow behind single file. Alan goes over a radio check with the team, and everything was good. They do a couple pace laps, before they get to the green.

"Green flag is in the air at Daytona!"

*50 laps in*

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