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A/N- sorry for the pic on the sidebar. I still haven't completely gotten over what happened on Saturday 😂 Anyways enjoy the chapter

Chapter 8:

Chase's POV

*three weeks later*

Today is Martinsville and its Maddie's first Cup Race. Well I guess it isn't her first cup race since she ran Texas and Darlington last season for Kasey and Dale. But it's her first time driving the Napa 25 car, the car I drove last year. I qualified third, Maddie fifth, Dale sixth, Kasey ninth, Dale thirteenth, and Jimmie fourteenth. I have only won one race which was Atlanta, so Maddie and I both won at our home track. Jimmie won Auto Club, Dale won Phoenix, Kasey still needs a win though.

I honestly would not be surprised if Maddie wins today. Every cup race, Texas and Darlington, she has won. She's been on a roll in the Xfinity Series. She won Daytona, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Auto Club. She's way up in the points with Erik Jones behind her, Erik only won Phoenix.

I look down and see Maddie wrapped in my arms, peacefully asleep. I don't know what I would do without her. I know I say that a lot, but it's true. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. Yesterday was her birthday, Ryan and I threw a big surprise party for her. I couldn't let my girl's nineteenth birthday go by.

"Maddie it's time to wake up." I say.

"Five more minutes Ryan Blaney." She mumbles.

"Maddie, I'm not Ryan I'm Chase." I laugh. She turns around to face me.

"I don't wanna wake up." She mumbles digging her head into my chest.

"Come on sleepy head. Don't make me tickle you." I say. I thought I would get more of a reaction, but all she did was pull the covers over her head.

"Man your really tired." I say.

"Uh huh." She mumbles. I grab my phone off the night stand and texted Ryan.

To Ryan: Hey man, your sister will not get up!

From Ryan: Ooo yay! I'll be right over! I thought she wouldn't wanna get up this morning.

I put my phone down, and got up. I grabbed my fire suit and went to the bathroom to get changed. Once I come out there was a knock on the door. I walk over and opened it.

"Oh my god." I say.

"She's gonna be so pissed at you man." I say.

"What its just a pie that's gonna end up in her face. No harm at all." Ryan laughs.

"If you say so." I say closing the door as Ryan walks in. Ryan's walks to the bedroom and I follow. I slowly pulled the covers from her face as Ryan gets ready.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yeah. Call her name when your ready." Ryan laughs quietly.

"MADISON!" I yell. She jumped up and, yeah Ryan threw the pie at her face.

"What the heck Ryan!" She says.

"What? There was extra pie from yesterday, and I didn't know what to do with it." Ryan laughs.

"Well you could've eaten it first of all." She says clearly pissed. I grab a towel and handed it to her.

"Oh no it's not silly. I will be watching out, because I know you'll get back at me." Ryan says.

"Yeah, isn't that kind of obvious." Maddie says.

"Well byes guys! See you later!" Ryan waves walking out.

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