The Next Step

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Chapter 25:

Madison's POV

"Madison Renee Blaney, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Oh my god. Chase, yes of course!" I smile. He smiles and stands up on his feet. He takes the ring out of the box and puts the ring on my finger.

"It's beautiful. I love it." I say looking into his eyes. He takes his thumb and wipes away a tear rolling down my cheek. He pulled me into a hug, and as we hugged I saw someone standing at the entrance of victory lane... Bubba. He was standing there with his arms crossed, and shaking his head in disapproval. Once we made eye contact, he stormed off.

"I love you so much." Chase says.

"I love you too Chase." I say closing my eyes holding back the tears. "This has been the best victory so far." I say laughing off the tears.

"It better be." He says pulling away. "Come on, we better go take pictures." Chase says at all the media around waiting. I nod a I take a few pictures with the team, teammates, family friends, one of just me and Ryan, Seanna and Dylan, friends, one with Chase's family, and one with just Chase.

"We should all go out tonight, and celebrate tonight." Erin says.

"That's a great idea! What do you guys think?" Chase says.

"Yeah." They all say in unison. We all decide on a place, and we all went and did our separate things until we all met up tonight. Chase and I both went back to the motor home to relax. I would mostly be trying to soak all of this in.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Chase says sitting down next to me.

"Just about everything that just happened." I reply looking at him. "I did not expect you to do that. How long have you been planning this?" I ask, starting to get curious.

"Well, I asked your parents for their approval a couple weeks ago, but I had the idea of asking way before I actually decided to do it." Chase says. "I actually got the ring today with the help of my mom."

"So that's why you were out a little longer."

"Yeah, then once I decided I wanted to purpose today, I sent a jet to pick up your sister, and then other one to pick up your friends." After a long conversation, Chase and I decided to take a nap. Chase and I cuddled underneath a warm blanket, and Chase was quick to fall asleep. For some reason I couldn't. I still believed what just happened. This had to be all a dream. I pick up my phone from the nearby table. I go onto Twitter to see what was going on.

@NASCAR: Congratulations @MadisonBlaney on the win at Kansas Speedway! And a big congratulations to @ChaseElliott and @MadisonBlaney on being engaged!

@ChaseElliott: I am truly the luckiest man alive. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with @MadisonBlaney !

@ErinBlaney: And she said yes! Congrats @ChaseElliott and @MadisonBlaney

@EmmaBlaney: Couldn't be happier! Congrats sis on the win and the engagement! @MadisonBlaney

@SeannaK: So happy for you guys! A huge congrats on the win @MadisonBlaney !!! @ChaseElliott you better be good to her or so help me... Well you know what will happen...

Those where some of the comments that I favorited, and they were many more congrats from other drivers, the driver's wives, fans, teams, and teammates, etc. Erin, Emma, Chase, and others all posted pictures too. But there were also some negative comments too. That I would rather not say. Some people were really harsh about it. Some said that this is only going to be a distraction to me. 

*4 hours later*

"Ready to go darling?" Chase asks.

"Yeah, let's go." I reply grabbing my phone off the counter. He takes ahold my hand as we made our way towards the car. Chase opened up the passengers door, and helps me in. After, he walks around to the drivers seat and put the keys in the ignition. The place where we were going was called Rania's Restaurant Bar & Grill. It wasn't far from the track, probably about a ten minute drive, and we were already there.

"We're here." Chase says parking the car. Chase and I both walk in together, hand in hand. Because so many people were coming to celebrate, we kinda had to rent the whole place out. As we entered a loud cheer irrupted. We both kinda jumped, but laughed it off. After everyone ordered their food, everyone started socializing.

"Hey Amanda!" I smile.

"Hey! Congratulations!" She squeals.

"Thank you."

"So, how is everything going living with Chase?" She asks.

"It's absolutely amazing, but I miss you a lot. When I say a lot I mean A LOT."

"Aww I miss you too!" She says giving me a hug. After a long conversation, I talked to some other people. I especially hanged out with Erin. Mostly, because I haven't seen her in forever. She's been so busy with college I hardly get to see her anymore. But she's coming to Talledega next weekend, and I'm excited about that.

"Darling, foods here." Chase says walking up behind me.

"I'll talk to you later Regan." I smile. Chase and I both sat down next to each other with our families, just as the waiter sets our food down.

"So Chase, do you think you can win tomorrow?" My dad asks.

"I don't know Sir. I don't think I'll be able to top what Madison did." Chase says nudging my shoulder. "But, I think we have a car that could contend for the win. It would great to win tomorrow. Just so we are locked into the next round."

These next two weeks, I'll be at JRM everyday. I have meetings, interviews, press conferences, and helping the crew get the car ready. We only have three races left in the Xfinity, and we are not safe. Sure 29 points is a lot, but anything can happen in these next three races.

Along the Sprint Cup side there are only eight drivers left in the chase. Dale, Chase, Dylan, Kasey, Kyle Busch, Brad Keslowski, Joey, and Ryan Newman. I really don't know who I want to win the championship there. I mean I want Dale to win since it's his last season, then Chase well you should already know why, and then there's Dylan, because it would be really special for the whole company and especially for Ryan.

In the Trucks it's easy. Brittany Busch. Top of the standings, five wins, 13 tops fives, and 23 top tens, plus 0 DNFs. Ross is third in points, Joy fifth, and Chris is sixth in standings. It's been a pretty solid season for Blaney Motorsports. Especially in our first year.

"Oh come on. You'll do great." I reply before taking a sip of my water.

"Oh stop it. You're just saying that." Chase says taking another bite of his food.

"No, I am not." I reply. After eating, we all started talking again with everyone until the restaurant closed. "Guys! Before ya'll leave, Chase and I would like to thank all of you for coming. It's been an amazing night! Thanks again and have a good night." I announce.

"Ready?" Chase smiles.

"Yeah, let's go home. I'm getting really tired." I smile back. We both walk out, and said goodbye to our families before we left. I know its been awhile, but this still feels like a dream. Chase and I just took the next step towards an amazing relationship.

A/N- here's another chapter for ya'll! Hope you enjoyed! I would appreciated comments and votes. I really don't know how you all think of this part of the story. This book has a few more chapters left in it maybe 4-5ish maybe 3. I don't know yet. Once this book is done want me to make a sequel to this story? Make a new NASCAR fanfic (driver suggestions)? Or make another Chase Elliott fanfic? Comment what you all think!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Thanks for 3k!

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