Chapter 43.

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We chatted for a little bit about a few things. But her tiredness finally took over. My sweet little love has fallen asleep. She looks so adorable sleeping against my chest. This is the first time I've seen her sleep.

I think when she wakes up I'm going to ask her on an adventure for tomorrow. Ok, that makes it sound way cooler than what it actually is—going out to Temecula to grab my truck and see if I can catch that Kevin kid at practice. Then go to Laguna for a night or two. I'll have to see how long Briar wants to stay if she wants to go with me.

I really gotta piss, so I slide out from under Briar and head towards the bathroom. You know, even though there is no tub. I really like this bathroom.

After I'm done in the bathroom, I throw on some sweats and I leave my room to get something to drink. And get something for Briar to drink when she wakes up.

We decided it's going to be a need-to-know on who we tell that she is pregnant. I asked if I could tell the guys and she agreed that they probably need-to-know. Since I live with them and they are around, it honestly wouldn't take them long to figure out. Well, it is Chase and Hunter we are talking about here!

Those two have gotten a lot closer over the last few weeks. I mean, all three of us have always been close but they are just closer now that things have shifted. These guys have honestly been a big help and support system for me. Helping me talk through stuff to let it go and move on. It's nice.

Walking by the living room, they are playing video games with a couple of other guys from the team. It's around 2:00pm so there is still a little bit before they will leave for practice. Grabbing a big daddy coconut water and a regular-sized coconut water from the fridge. I walk over to the junk drawer and pull out a Post-it and a Sharpie.

I write a loving note:

Drink this when you wake up or else <3

Throwing the stuff back in the drawer, I put the note on Briar's water. Going into my room I lay the water propped on my pillow. She should be able to find it there. I brush a couple strands of hair out of her face. She is absolutely stunning. I can't believe she is growing my baby.

My heart smiles as I walk out, closing the door quietly. Grabbing my coconut water, I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. I have no idea why they like these games, I'm already bored.

'Soooooo, Briar's back, huh?' Hunter says as he pauses the game and the other guys groan.

I look at him and smile. 'How'd you know?'

'You're a dirty bastard, you know that. What do you mean how'd I know?! The whole fucking building knows she's here. Do y'all do anything besides fuck?! I mean, honestly, does she even have a voice left?! Can she even walk?! Where is she?'

'Ok Hunt, you need to get laid. You are wound so fucking tight. Go get you a release, brother! And yes, we do other things besides fuck. But honestly, what did you expect, it's been almost a month. Our genitals had matters to discuss. And she is sleeping. But can these fuckers leave, I need to talk to you two about something.' I look over at what's his name and Tony.

'Yeah, Riv, we will head out. Glad you are Briar are back in action!' Tony says while punching the other guy to leave.

Chase walks them out and looks at me expectingly when he sits back down.

'I don't know how to say it, so I'm just gonna say it. Briar's pregnant.' I smile.

'Well, I'm not surprised. Out of the handful of days y'all have been fucking, you've super-soaked her like a hundred times. But congratulations, man. That's pretty fucking cool.' Chase says and that makes me happy to have his support.

'Good work to your soldiers. Congratulations, bro. That's going to be one good-looking kid.' Hunter says. 'Wait, didn't you say Briar was on birth control?'

'Yep.' I say poppin the P. 'She had the implant in her arm but when she went to the doctor today to confirm her pregnancy, he said that whoever installed it did it wrong. I don't know what that really means but it's fine. I'm so fucking happy. Briar is growing my baby. This info stays between us. We aren't telling everyone.' I smile at them like an idiot. I can't help it. I'm gonna be a daddy!

'Oh, and we won't be at practice till Monday. Have some stuff to take care of. Good luck with Coach. He was being a dick when I told him but I don't really care.' I laugh. Coach is going to ride their ass for the next few days.

Sitting and chatting with the guys for a little while, they finally get ready to head to practice. It's a little before 4:00pm and Briar is still sleeping.

Should I wake her?

Should I let her sleep?

I don't know but I know who to ask. I pull out my phone and start FaceTiming.

'Hey buddy?' My dad answers.

'Where is my mom? It is her that I called.' I laugh.

'She is right here.' He goes over to her so they both fit in the screen. 'Hi honey! How is my handsome boy?!' My beautiful mother asks me.

'I'm great mom! It's actually great that you guys are together, I have something I wanna tell you.'

'Oh shit, what is it this time?' My dad asks in a playful tone. When the incident happened, I started reaching out and talking to my parents more. I don't know why but I just needed their support and I'll tell you what, they were sure as hell supportive. I've been talking to my siblings more too, it's nice.

'First, are y'all going to be home between now and Monday?' I ask.

'We are not honey, do you wanna go stay at the house?' My mom asks.

'Yes, I do. Second, Briar and I have made up. For the most part, at least, I think. We still have a few more things to talk about.'

'That's great, honey! I'm so happy for you!' My mom squeals while dad covers his ears. I can't help but laugh.

'I know you said that it was my decision but do you think it's ok if I give Briar the ring?' I nervously ask.

My mom turns a little more serious. 'Sweetheart, you are right, it is your decision. You do not need to ask me. But I think you should. If you are even thinking about giving it to her and being nervous as hell to ask me if you can, then I think she is the right one.

We love Briar, we always have. She is a wonderful girl who will help you create a phenomenal future. The fact is, she makes you irrevocably happy and that's all that matters to us.

Sure, y'all had a bump in the road but if she is worth it, if this relationship is worth it, then you will be able to work through it. Just remember to communicate. I'm so happy for you, sweetheart!' She smiles.

Feeling a huge sense of relief, now I need to tell them the big news. I think they will be happy?

'Lastly, I wanted to tell you before you heard it elsewhere. Briar is pregnant, we are going to have a baby!' I smile.

After what feels like a longer-than-necessary pause, my dad jumps up and starts shouting. 'Fuck yeah! I'm gonna be a PopPop! Wooohoooo!'

'Tim, calm down!' My mom yells at him. 'Oh honey, seriously? Your gonna be a daddy?' She asks with watery eyes.

'Yes! And I can't fucking wait!' I smile. 'But that's the whole reason why I called. She has been sleeping for the last couple of hours. Do I wake her up or let her sleep? We didn't have lunch today so I really want to make her some dinner. What do I do, mom?'

'Ok, honey. Calm down. Go in and check on her and if she is still sleeping then why don't you make some dinner. Then if she is not up by the time it's ready, you should wake her up.' She smiles. 'Look at you, you're going to be a great daddy, River. You already care about your wife and baby so much.'

As soon as I heard my mom say wife, I couldn't help but smile the biggest smile. She is my wife, I am her husband, and we are going to be parents. Fuck, this feels so good. Now to deal with all the technical stuff.

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