Chapter 2.

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I can't remember the last time I was this angry. I mean I am literally fuming. Not just at that piece of shit Adam, but at mother-fucking-Chase. I can't believe his girl needed him and was trying to reach him and he did what he did.

'I just got back from the hospital, Tasha dropped me off. I know Chase is upset but I didn't do anything wrong.'  She starts crying and sobbing again.

'Shh, shh, shh. No babe, you don't need to worry about Chase, I will take care of him. And you didn't do anything wrong, at all. Are you alright? What did the hospital say?'

'I mean, yeah I'm ok. But like also really not ok. They did a rape kit and gave me Plan B because obviously, he was irresponsible. I have some bruises and stuff. Those will heal. They said he gave me a weird mix of a roofie, pain meds, and like a tranquilizer. I had a bunch of IVs to flush everything out. But I still feel a little dizzy. I know Chase is mad but can I please stay here, Riv? I don't wanna be alone.' She tells me all this in a small, shaky voice in between her sobs.

Fuck, I'm torn up. She didn't deserve this at all. NO ONE deserves something like this to ever happen to them. No consent = no sexual anything. It's really that simple.

'Of course, babe. You can stay in my room. I put new sheets on yesterday but I slept in them last night so I'll change them.' I tell her.

This poor sweet angel. I have some work to do but helping her is on the top of the list.

Fucking Chase.

She giggles again and tells me. 'It's ok, River. You don't have to change them. I know you didn't have a girl in them.'

She is right, because I never, ever hook up in my apartment. Have I been blown in the elevator: yes. But when we were done and reached the 4th floor, I got out and sent her back down. Then took the stairs to get to my apartment.

I live by a couple of hard lines and this is one of them. I don't want chicks in my place (when they are associated with me). Hunter can have strays come in around the clock and I couldn't care less but it's a no from me.

'OK Lenny, here is what we are going to do. We are going to go inside and you are going to B-line for my room. You can go in if you want. But I'm going to go to the kitchen and talk to Chase really quick, then grab my food and I'll come snuggle with you and we can watch a movie. You pick out whatever you want, ok babe?'  She hugs me and nods her head.

She backs up a little bit and wipes her eyes and nose on her sleeve.

'Are you ready?' I ask her and she nods and gives me a super quiet 'Yeah'.

'Ok, let's go.'

She does exactly what I told her to and went to my room while I closed the front door and took some big fucking steps into the kitchen. Chase turns around, sees Lenny, and then looks at me. 'Why is she going to your room?' He asks but he's not going to like my answer.

I steady myself with my left hand on his chest and come in with a bomb of a right hook.


He flies off the stool and slams into the concrete floor. But I am right on top of him. I swing once, twice, and while I'm cocked back for the third, Hunter is pulling me off of him.

I start yelling at Chase. 'You don't get to fucking ask anything about her, you piece of shit. Your girlfriend needed you Chase and you let some petty bullshit push her away. I can't be-fuckin-lieve you! You are better than this Chase.' I am still yelling and Hunter is still holding me back.

The look on Chase's face is absolute confusion.

'She fucking cheated on me, Riv! What the fuck!' He screamed.

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