Chapter 56.

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I snuggled my head back into the blankets, placing her hand on my head. She loves having her hands in my hair, just as much as I love it. I can't wait to feel her running her fingers through and pulling it again.

With a sore neck, I sit up with a groan. I must have fallen asleep because the sun is out. Blinking to clear my vision, I see a nurse changing the bag for Briar's IV. Asking him in a raspy, broken voice. 'What time is it?'

'It's a little past 9:00 am, Sir.' He tells me while he finishes hanging the bag and moves on to entering some information into the computer. He also checks the machine that had all her stats on it.

'Thank you. Is she doing ok?' I ask.

'She is doing well, she is the same as when she first was settled in here. While it's not an improvement, we are happy that she is not declining.' He explains.

Nodding my head in understanding. 'Thank you.'

Looking over at Briar, I know that no one else has been in to see her. I should step out and handle some things while they all visit with her. Maybe get something to eat, even though I'm not hungry.

I stand up and lean over and kiss her temple. Before walking away, I whisper in her ear. 'I'm not going anywhere, Briar Ann. Ever.' Then with one last kiss, I head back out into the waiting room.

The first thing I notice is how bright it is out here. My eyes have a hard time adjusting but when they do, I see mostly everyone is eating. There is a large trolley cart that looks like it's loaded up with many breakfast options.

Walking over to the table where the Kensington family is sitting. I lean over to tell them that they should go in and spend some time with Briar. William asks if he can go in alone first. He said he has some things he needs us to handle as soon as I'm done eating breakfast.

After agreeing with William, I walk over to the table with my parents, Chase, and his parents. Hunter and his parents are not here, neither is Veronica.

Mom immediately starts fussing over me and while I normally would ask her to stop, I need her to take care of me right now.

First, she brought me a large cup of coffee and ice water with lemon. After she sets those down she starts piling a plate with a ton of food. She loaded me up with one half of a plate with bacon and sausages. The other half has scrambled eggs and home-style potatoes. She even brought over a bottle of Heinz ketchup and Texas Pete's hot sauce. She knows me so well.

The food is delicious. Mom told me that they have a separate private chef for each V.I.P. Suite. (I think they have 10 V.I.P. Suites at this hospital.) So he can make whatever anyone would like from the hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

'How are you, River?' Chase asks as I finish up my savory plate and move on to the sweet plate that mom put together. This plate is full of French Toast and a waffle. Both are topped with mounts of berries, bananas and this absolutely delicious Chantilly cream.

'I'm not sure yet, to be honest. My mind is having a hard time understanding that this is really happening. Plus, there are so many things I need to take care of on top of this.

Briar and I were supposed to meet with Mitch at 11 today to look at some properties. Now I'm not sure what to do. Do I just get the properties we were interested in?'

Thinking for a second. 'That should work but there are a few we were debating on in Hidden Hills, that we wanted to see in person.' I say.

Looking over at my dad, I ask him. 'What do you think I should do?'

'What are the properties?' He asks while he puts down his phone and gives me his full attention.

'First, is a property in LB that I know I'm going to get. We want to have our own house in Laguna and this one is perfect. It's 12 acres off Mar Vista. Listed for $24.9 M.

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