Chapter 1 - Just A Crush

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(F/n) = First Name

(L/n) = Last Name

Warnings Before Continuing!

« Slight Suggestive Content, Mild Blood/Injury »


(F/n) gazed lovingly at her person of interest from around the corner of the building.

Her enchanting co-worker, Arthur Kirkland.

Being the most efficient butler, he drew attention to himself unwittingly.

His blond hair shined in the sun of the warm day that graced this moment. His green eyes were like a pair of emeralds. Those eyebrows he always got teased about but paid no mind to such trivial things. And he acted like a gentleman when required, making his attitude more appealing.

(F/n) clutched onto the apron of her dress, she couldn't help but be drawn to his actions as he served tea carefully to the people he was attending to, meeting their every need. His charms wooed men and women alike with that delicate smile of his. As he excused himself, (F/n) quickly hid from view. Her heart beat rapidly.

He's coming this way!

I better hide!

If he catches me watching him, he'll think I'm a total creep-!

"Hello, love. How are you?" Arthur asked, lowering the empty tray in his hand.

The man came around the corner quicker than expected.

"A-Arthur! Um, hi! I'm doing well! How about you?" (F/n) nervously stuttered over her words and dusted off her dress.

The corner of his lips forms a smile. "That's good to hear. I'm doing marvelously. Clock in yet?"

"Yes! I just arrived! But my duties for today are less than pleasing-."

A perky voice hollered across the courtyard, quickly cutting the girl off. "(F/n)! Hurry up and clean the attic so you can eat with us at lunchtime! Get moving, cupcake!" Mei, the Taiwanese maid, shouted at her.

(F/n) gave her the 'Really? Now's not the time,' look and sighed in defeat. "I guess I'll be on my merry way. I'll see you around. " She said, dismissing herself and heading in the opposite direction. She carefully grabbed the ends of her dress so it wouldn't get dirty on her way to the destination.

He gave her a small wave and continued his duties. "That's quite a shame. I wanted her to taste the new Jasmine tea we got in..." The man mumbled to himself, adjusting his white gloves back in place. "Perhaps next time." Arthur entered the building and gathered desserts on the tray for the guests outside. "Next time..."

Arriving back with the sweets, the older women at the table questioned the young man about his personal life. "Artie, when are you going to get married? You're so handsome and polite. Any young lady would love to have you!" One said sweetly as the others started to back her up. "I would if I wasn't happily married and halfway into the grave!"

He held back a laugh at the comment. "That's very kind of you, ladies. Thank you." Arthur gazed over his shoulder in the direction (F/n) left, then turned back to face them. "One day, I promise. I'm working on a couple of things until the time comes."

They squealed delightfully and munched on the pastries.


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