Chapter 7 - Caution! Hot Tea!

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"Ah... I... uh... um..." (F/n) fumbles over her words with Arthur being so close and on a bed, no less! "Get off!" She exclaims, shoving him away.

Arthur almost lost his balance. The girl caught him off guard, and he quickly acknowledged the situation. "Love..." He climbed away and sat at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I frightened you. I'm just worried..." His green eyes softened.

It sets her nerves at ease. (F/n) held onto her injured hand, blood bled through the gauze bandage.

Arthur removed his white gloves and offered his hand. "Can I?" He asked politely.

She nods as he leads her off the bed and into the bathroom, unwrapping the bandage and observing her hand. "Glad we're attending to this now. By the looks of it, it was close to being infected." Arthur commented as he soaked a gauze pad in the sink with water and gently dabbed the wound.

The fresh and dry blood washed away from the skin. (F/n) flinches in pain, biting her bottom lip to hold back a groan. "Yeah... I got sidetracked when I got this..." She admits without giving away too much information.

Arthur sighs. "Still, you got to take care of yourself." He put a light coat of antibacterial ointment on the cut and wrapped the girl's hand with a new clean bandage. "There, all done." He smiles, bringing her hand close to his face, and kisses the top of her knuckles. "Be careful from now on, love."

She gasps at his sudden boldness, her face flushing bright red. "Y-yes!" She walks backward out of the bathroom and laughs nervously. "I'll keep that in mind! Thank you for your help. We should get going!" (F/n) heads for the door but stop as she hears familiar voices approaching.

"I hope she's okay..." Elizabeta says concerningly.

"That girl, I swear..." Mei notes, shaking her head.

Oh, no...

If they see us alone together in a bedroom...

They'll think something provocative is happening!

The girl backs away from the door until she bumps into Arthur. "...Arthur..?"

He didn't say a word and grabbed her shoulders, quickly leading himself and (F/n) into a large wardrobe. The two stay silent as the door opens, and the girls walk in, search around the room, and call out for (F/n).

"She said she'd be fine, but that cut on her hand makes me worry more..."

Mei nodded in agreement, sitting down on a chair. "It's a miracle she didn't get lockjaw."

Elizabeta sat across from her. "Thankfully, what's more, surprising is how she got that cut. Being able to inflict a wound like that from a simple teapot is amazing, but I don't blame her. It must have been a shock hearing that conversation. Who would know that the rumors between Arthur and the master's daughter are true..."

The girl feels Arthur flinch behind her; her body trembles out of fear.

Girls... please don't spill too much!

The man is right here for crying out loud!

"This could have been avoided if (F/n) just told Arthur how she feels!" Mei clamored.

"What if she did muster up the courage to tell him, he accepts her, and they start dating? It'd have to be in secret, and where's the fun in that? Plus, if they got caught, they could lose their jobs!" Elizabeta expresses sadly.

Mei frowns.

"They know the struggles and consequences that can occur. They're intelligent not to let personal affairs ruin a stable life-."

"Yeah, but that's not fair!" Mei stood up from her seat. "If they like each other, they should try to be together! Anything is possible when two people love each other! No matter what (F/n) decides, I'm sure it'll turn out okay, and we'll support her decision no matter what!" She panted heavily, pushing the loose hairs on her head behind her ears.

Elizabeta gawked at the girl who always joked around, making such a bold statement. It made her realize her words were unjustified. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right. We're her friends, and we'll stick by her till our days' end." The woman smiled. "Because that's how great she is." Glancing at the clock on the wall, Elizabeta got up as well. "Let's leave. Maybe she's back on the first floor."

The two headed for the door, and Mei opened it for them. "Oh, and her dream of opening a tea shop one day with the person she loves is the cutest thing ever, don't you think?!"

Elizabeta nodded. "Indeed. If she does, I hope she considers hiring us."

"That'd be great!" Mei bounced happily and closed the door. Their footsteps faded until only silence filled the room and empty hallway.

They're amazing friends, but they spilled the tea too much!

The two lost their balance and fell out of the wardrobe. Closing her eyes and bracing for a hard impact was snatched away when Arthur took the landing for the girl instead. Flipping her over, making her land on top of him. "Are you okay?" He asks, cupping the side of her face with his hand.

Tears ran down her cheeks when the weight of what happened fell on her shoulders.

A confession was made but not a proper one.

She sniffles, getting off of Arthur and helping him up on his feet. "P-please forget everything you heard... It'll only do you harm if you pursue an explanation." Her head hung, gripping her dress tightly.

"But love-."

"I said don't, please!" She yells, running out of the room as fast as she can with what little strength she has left, mixing herself into the gathering of people.

"(F/n), wait!" The girl hears Arthur call out within the crowd.

She hides in the bathroom, where she finds Elizabeta and Mei finishing washing their hands. "(F/n)! There you are!" Mei said. Her excitement died down seeing the girl out of breath. They hurry to her side.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeta questioned.

"He knows... Arthur knows I like him!" She cried.

They both titled their heads. "Isn't that a good thing? What did he say?"

(F/n) wiped her tears away. "I'll explain at a better time, but I can't finish work today..."

The two girls comforted her and offered their help, escorting her and leading her out the backdoor and into the garden. "Update us on how you're feeling, okay?" Elizabeta said, rubbing the girl's back.

She smiles. "Thanks, girls. I'll see you around..." She walks through the trail of bushes and plants and head home.

Elizabeta and Mei watched her as she vanished from sight.

"Hey, ladies..." Arthur stood behind them and grinned sheepishly. "Did (F/n) leave?" He asked in a sad tone.

The two smirked at each other and looked back at him. "You're going to tell us what happened between you two, and in return, we'll tell you anything you want to know about our friend, blondie." Mei suggests.

Arthur agrees.


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