Chapter 3 - Pup Years

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(F/n) worked tirelessly on her essay, getting a head start for the week. But what she didn't plan was falling asleep while typing out her thesis. "Just for five minutes..." She muttered, pushing aside books and papers while lying on her comfy bed. While playing with the pendant around her neck, she closed her tired eyes with her guard up, just like how she was taught, and drifted into a dream world.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"(F/n)! Come here! I have something for you!" Anica, (F/n)'s first and only friend during childhood, called out to her while the two salvaged the forest.

The girl came sprinting in his direction. "What is it?" She asked eagerly, seeing he held something in his hands.

Uncovering them, he reveals a small black box. "A gift. For you."

She took the box in her hands and stared at it in disbelief. "Why?"

"Because we're friends, of course! I asked my parents if they could make a gift for you, and I told them what would best suit you."

(F/n) hesitated momentarily but carefully brushed off the nerves and opened the box carefully. Shocked to see a beautiful necklace inside. And not any ordinary one; it was plated with what appeared to be genuine gold, and the pendant was a heart-shaped blood-red ruby gem partially wrapped up in gold chains. "Anica.." Her fingertips traced over the accessory. Tears began forming in the girl's eyes, but she quickly wiped them away before the boy could see. "This is..." She paused, closing the box and handing it back to him. "More than I can accept..."

"(F/n), you have to accept it! It was made for you!" Anica pushed the box back and made sure she kept it firmly in her hands by closing them tight. "It's a reminder of our friendship..." He said, his cheeks turning bright pink. "Please?" With those red puppy eyes, how could she say no again?

(F/n) sighed in defeat. "Okay, only because you're so stubborn." She opened the box once more and took out the necklace, ready to put it on until Anica stopped her.

"Wait, allow me." He got behind her.

(F/n) pushed her hair aside for better access and let the boy put it on. Once he was finished, she straightened out her hair and gazed down at the necklace in awe. Her eyes widened when the pendant began glowing. "Woah, what's going on?"

Anica hesitated for a moment, wearing a completely red face. "I-It's solar-powered!" He laughed nervously. He grabbed her hands in his and smiled brightly. "I'm glad it works... and it's yours forever..."

She returned the smile.

As the happy memory faded away, it was replaced by the complete opposite...

"Anica! Come here! I found a puppy!" (F/n) called out to her friend during playtime at school.

The boy came running upon hearing his name. "Ooh! Where?" He asks, bouncing up and down.

The girl points to the animal hidden within the bushes of the playground. A medium-sized dog stared at the two children. Its attention is soon drawn to Anica, growling at the boy. He extended his hand to pet it, but the dog unsuspectingly bit him and fled.

"Are you okay?!" (F/n) asked worryingly.

"I'm fine." The skin on his hand broke, and blood began to leak out. "It must've been a bad day for him..."

(F/n) smelt human blood before, but something about her friends' blood seemed unlike any others and smelled irresistible. Drool began to spill from the corners of her mouth.

Anica stared at the girl concerningly as her eyes never turned away from his wound. "(F/n)?" He backed away.

Her fangs popped out without warning. Staring straight into his eyes and pounced on him, knocking him flat to the ground. Anica was pinned under her frightening, strong grasp. "I'm sorry..." She said, opening her mouth and sinking her teeth into his flesh. The substance that managed to enter her body graced her taste buds. No food or liquid came close to the wonderful sensation pleasing her at that moment.

"(F/n)! Please stop! It hurts!" The little boy screamed. An adult in the distance saw the scene unfold and sprinted into action, ripping (F/n) off Anica, snarling and fighting for more. Anica wept and groaned in pain, holding his hand by the bottom of his shirt. "I thought we were friends!" He expressed sadly, continuing to cry heavily. His words didn't reach the girl, nor could she tell what was real.

"Hey, calm down! What's gotten into you, kid?!" The adult yelled above her, trying to keep the girl under control, but to no avail. The boy looked at his friend; his eyes glowed bright red before telling her the words she'd be haunted by from then on and forward. "You're a monster." Tears covered his cheeks. "I'll never forgive you..."

(F/n) never saw him again after that unfortunate day.

The school went to complete disarray, and the girl caused significant trouble for her parents.

Worst of all, for Anica and his folks.

He was my only friend...

The only one who put up with me and accepted me for who I was with my craziness and stubbornness.

I hurt him.

(F/n) was sure she would have eaten him alive without a second thought.

She wasn't herself; sadly, she couldn't control it either.

Many years have flown by, and she has yet to know his whereabouts.

I wish I could see him again...


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