Chapter 4 - My Other Life

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(F/n) watches from a distance and sees Emil and a man with blonde hair and blue eyes talk to one another. They appear close enough to witness the man tease the boy effortlessly. 

Emil says something, then leaves the conversation and returns to the girl.

"Come on. I think now would be a good time for that fishing lesson." He states, grabbing her wrist and dragging her away.

"W-wait, is that-?"

The man, with a blank stare, waves at her.

She smiles and waves back.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

Emil effortlessly makes a rod from the materials he finds along the shoreline. His hands again move like magic.

The girl is nervous to ask, but curiosity says otherwise.

"So..." She begins, keeping her eyes on him. "Who was that back there? Was it your brother?"

Emil sighs heavily. "Unfortunately."

"It thought you said he wasn't supposed to return for a while."

"So did I. Apparently, their trip was cut short due to a few run-ins with a rivaling crew. They barely made it back in one piece."

"Does that usually happen while in the sea?" She questions.

"Not necessarily. Only if they get followed after a raid."

"I see..."

Emil notices her eyes wander off and stare into the sea, her mouth open agape as if she wants to ask something but doesn't. "Is something on your mind?" He asks, looking away.

"I do. But I don't know if I'm in the right place to ask. I'm just curious, is all."

"Well, if you'll be here for a while, you might as well get comfortable and ask anything you want to know. I'll let you know if I can answer it or not. Don't be afraid."

(F/n) gazes back at Emil and smiles as he finishes making the fishing rod. "Thank you. I'll ask after you show me how to fish."

"It's easy," He says, handing her the rod. "Making a rod is simple enough, and the main key to fishing is patience, which many people don't have, including me. Fishing could take up to two hours, and who knows, even after so long, you might as well not catch anything, and that's all right."

"You said before you didn't like fishing as a hunting option; why is that?" The girl asks.

"It's not that I hate it, but I prefer hunting, and if I were to fish, I prefer to use a spear."

"You're so primitive." She teases.

"Don't look too much into it. The best fish reside in the center of the body of water, so where we are might not be a good spot, but it's worth a try."

(F/n) grabs onto the rod. Emil sees the way the girl is holding it and clicks his tongue.

"That's not how you hold it. Here," He says, grabbing her hand and moving her fingers around the pole.

(F/n) blushes, having him so close, especially a man of all things that she didn't know very well yet.

"Got it?" Emil asks, gazing at her.

She nods. "Yes, thank you."

"Good. Now, toss it back as hard as you can. You can even get a farther throw if you back up and run, not jumping in the water, of course."

<<<< Fast forwarding the fishing montage since nothing interesting happens :p >>>>

"Emil?" (F/n) speaks up, breaking the silence in the air as the two wait for the first catch, even after nearly thirty minutes.

"Yes?" He responds quickly, like he is waiting for her to speak first.

"Do you..." (F/n) begins, swallowing a lump forming in her throat. "Like what you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you enjoy taking the lives of people..?" The last word trails off her tongue in a softer tone. Worried the question would set off the seemingly calm yet fierce proclaimed viking.

The boy's exterior changes drastically upon hearing the question, from a poker face to one of a confused child. "Is that what you wanted to ask?"

"Yes... I'm sorry. You don't have to answer if you don't want to-."

"No, I don't, as a matter of fact, despite everything you may have seen and heard about me from the others." He answers without an ounce of hesitation.

Wait a minute, why did I just admit to that?!

Emil questions himself, wanting to retract his response, but quickly alters again after looking back at (F/n), who stares at the boy with eyes that glistened, wanting to know more. "It's complicated..."

"Then why do it?" She asks in somewhat disbelief.

Emil sighs and sits down on the damp sand. "I've been established to pillage since a young age. I grew into it without warning, and now I do what I'm told without questioning it..."

(F/n) takes a seat next to him, still hanging into the rod. "Do you want to make your own life choices at some point in time?"

Emil shrugs. "I suppose. Like any other human. Maybe one day, but I don't know what I'll do. Cause this life is all I've ever known..." He exhales deeply, rethinking the words he plans to come out of his mouth. The boy feels like he can truly share his suppressed feelings with (F/n), and the setting at that very moment is just right. "I dream of a tamer life. One that's filled with friends and family. Everyone living in the countryside on a farm and possibly a special somebody next to me to share it with..." Emil let out a small chuckle. "I know it's silly to imagine that after everything I've done, but I can't help it..."

(F/n) stares at him carefully, her gaze never leaving his exterior, and for a brief moment, she sees his violet eyes become glassy as if...

"Oh! I think you caught one!" The boy suddenly exclaims, pointing at the water. "Reel it in! Reel in it!" He enthusiastically encourages the girl and gives her the strength to reel it in.

To her luck, (F/n) reels in a big trout that splashes around.

"Would you look at that!"

Her mouth hangs agape, amazed at the sight.

"Congratulations, (F/n)!" Emil expresses genuinely. "You can cross off fishing on your list of skills you obtain."

"Yes, and it's all thanks to you." (F/n) says with a warm smile.

It makes Emil's heart jump unexpectedly.

"No need to thank me. Baby steps, right?" The boy grins.

She returns the gesture and nods.

After a successful first catch, the two head back to the ship and talk some more. As the good time approaches its end, Emil stops, making (F/n) turn to face him. "Do you... think some like me could live the life I want?"

(F/n) rubs her chin and thinks about it for a hot minute. "Of course!" She grins brightly. "I like to say this world has barely begun. You can always change your ways."

Emil nods. "Good to know..."

With that, the two arrive at the ship and board it.

Emil mentally prepares himself for Lukas and marinates on (F/n)'s words

Change your ways...


My ways...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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