Chapter 7 - Blood And Fur

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Vladimir shook his head. "Not as far as I know, but now that you mention it, I saw two figures chase each other out on the city's north side. Though I'm not too sure."

The trappers look at one another and nod. "Okay. Thank you, Vlad. Good luck with um... her." They motion towards (F/n). "And we'll see you around."

He smiles at them and closes the door as they leave. Vladimir leans against the door and collapses on the floor. "That was way too close!" He whispers, fearing they are still larking.

"No kidding!" She crouches down to meet his eyes. "Though, why'd you have to lie about us dating too?! We can't pretend!"

He chuckles in amusement. "And what's wrong with that? I think it's a great idea, and that way, we can study more in public and private areas without anyone suspecting a thing."

The girl raises a brow. "Are you sure?"

He gives a toothy grin, his upper fangs sticking out. "Of course!" Vladimir gets up and offers a hand, helping her up as well. "I'll go now. It's pretty late." He looks out the window, accidentally getting caught in a haze.

(F/n) grasps his hand tightly, feeling a lingering yet familiar comfort.

"Goodnight, and I'll see you tomorrow," Vladimir says, letting go of her hand and heading towards the door. "Take care, my 'girlfriend.'" He emphasizes the last part and exits quickly.

Leaving the girl a blushing mess. "Dummy..." She mutters and start to put her things away. Turned off all the lights and crawled into bed.

Things are about to get out of hand. 

I can feel it...

(F/n) attends her first-hour class and sits at her usual spot the following day. The empty seat that has always been vacant next to her was set with someone's items. She tilts her head and saw Vladimir approaching.

"Morning, Vladimir..." The girl greets him effortlessly, still feeling on edge from yesterday.

"Morning, beautiful~." He teases while leaning in. "Don't freak out, okay? People are watching."


He kisses her cheek and brushes up against her ear. "Careful, the guys from last night are coming. Don't let them frighten you. There's no need to fear those idiots." Vladimir backs away and smiles, sitting down.

Her face bright red, making the girl's heart pound loudly.

"(F/n), calm down. It'd be a shame for all that blood going to your heart to go to waste..." He whispers.

She stares at him concerningly.

"It was a joke."

That calms her nerves, for now, until the guys came in.

The same boys from yesterday show up and bragged to the people around them about their discovery as if they found a hidden treasure which, in these times, it might as well have been. "The evidence was taken into consideration and is being tested. They're saying the two monsters got into a fight!" One of them clamored out.

"We're lucky we found it! That'll be a hundred dollars at least!" Another stated proudly.

The girl growls softly and felt Vladimir rub her shoulder in an attempt to distract her.

The third boy notices this and draws his attention toward the two. "Hey, lovebirds! What do you think of this?"

Vladimir nods and gives a thumbs up. "Just make sure that money goes to good use!"

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