Chapter 2 - A New Member

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"Emil? That's a lovely name!" (F/n) dotts on the boy, trying to settle the tension in the air.

"Thanks, I guess..." He mumbles, not knowing what to say. "So then, what brings you here?"

"You could say I'm a traveler just passing by! I heard there's a settlement nearby. I hope to stock up and possibly trade goods to continue my journey." She comments, searching through her items and trying to light an oil lamp. "You wouldn't happen to know if it's around here, do you?"

Emil gulps, knowing what exact village she's referring to. "Is that so?" He stands up and sighs. "Sorry to break it, but that place is long gone."

(F/n) gasps, stopping her action, and gets up as well. "W-what? Why is that?" Her voice trembles.

Emil clenches his fists, ashamed of himself for admitting his heinous crime. "Because we destroyed it."

It falls silent.

The noise from the men in the distance can be heard.

"Leave here while you can before anyone from the ship finds you. Who knows what things they'd do to you if they did. Probably violate you in every way possible. Ways no one could imagine." Emil states bluntly, gazing over at the dimly lit village.

The girl's speechless, but that doesn't stop her from saying what she knew would be risky. "Please take me there!" She blurts out without hesitation. "If there's anything left, I wouldn't want it to go to waste! I know it's selfish, but I have to continue! So please, lead me there, and I'll go. I won't cause you any more confusion than I already have."

Emil scoffs, hiding his surprise at her words. He thinks about it.

Is this the best idea?

Even after what I told her about these ruthless people she's never met?

Unexpectedly, (F/n) repeatedly pulls on his wool cloak. "Please...." She whispers.

He couldn't stand to see someone stoop so low. He felt pity, yanking his arm away. "Fine. Make it quick."

She quickly got up. "Okay!" As (F/n) follows behind him, she lit the lamp. 

The light sparkles behind the boy's back. 

His hair's a shiny shade of silver-white she'd never seen before. 

"Thank you..."

Without looking back, he replies. "No need to thank me." 

As the two arrive at the edge of the village, Emil faces (F/n) for the first time since the two met, getting a good look at her exterior as the light glows upon her figure.

She's nice-looking...

Immediately, getting that thought out of his head and continues moving forward. 

They're met with several eyes. 

A pair of men approach the two. 

Emil holds out his arm in front of the girl. 

"What's this?" One of them said. "A survivor?"

The boy shakes his head. "Just a traveler passing by. She wants to know if there's anything that she can take for her trip." He takes a deep breath. "Let's not beat around the bush, cough up anything that was here beforehand, and give it to her."

"What's the hurry? She looks like she knows how to have a good time!" Another gets closer but doesn't make it far as Emil strikes him in the stomach and knocks them down.

"No one lays a finger on her! Now, do as you're told!" He expresses angrily.

Mathias steps in and tries to settle the growing strain. "A friend you made?" He asks Emil.

"Not exactly. We encountered each other while I was on post."

"Excuse me?" (F/n) steps in between the two. "I don't mean to cause any more trouble, but... may I join your crew?"

"What?" Mathias questions.

"(F/n), what are you doing?" Emil asks in shock.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'd appreciate it if I could tag along! I need to make it close to my home; then I'll be out of your hair! I can cook and clean in exchange!" She begs on her knees. "Please..." The girl motions toward Mathias.

Her eagerness catches his attention. "Well..." He starts. "I suppose a woman's touch wouldn't be too bad, and we got plenty of space!"

"Sir, what do you mean? We're full." A crew member whispers in his ear.

"Not anymore!" He raises his hand, ordering nearby men to wrangle up the two who tried to harm (F/n). "Gentlemen..." Mathias stares them dead in the eye and grins. "You are now dismissed from your duties."

Two others stab the two men without hesitation. The swords go through them and pull out clean. Blood splatters on the soil and soaks it up like a sponge. 

They drop dead, making the girl look away quickly. 

Emil gets in front of her view to cover the scene.

"We're eager to see what you're capable of, woman." Mathias says charmingly, holding out his hand. "Welcome to the crew. You can trust Emil and me for anything you may need."

(F/n) holds out her hand and shakes his. "The pleasure is all mine." She voices softly.

Emil stares at him and questions Mathias's true motives.

As much as a scumbag he is, the captain is a good guy at heart when it is needed most.

But that doesn't mean that I'll let my guard down...

The woman Emil met in the dark forest appeared genuine, and it would be a shame if anything bad happened to her before arriving at the place she needed most.


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