Chapter 4 - Friend Or Foe?

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A tear fell from (F/n)'s eyes as she opened them.

I'm sorry for being such a pain—a burden...

For ruining our childhoods...

She looks at the time.

12:02 am

I haven't had that nightmare in a while.

Why come back at a time like this?

(F/n) decides to work on her assignment at a better time and starts to get ready for bed. Cracking open the bedroom window slightly, she inhales the cold breeze. Gazing up at the bright crescent moon, wondering what the future would hold for a creature like her. Suddenly, she catches a whiff of a familiar scent. She sniffs harder, letting her brain process the stench.

It can't be...

It smelled exactly like the tantalizing blood the girl had tasted all those years ago.

Saliva formed rapidly inside her mouth.

There are more people with that rare, delicious blood?!

The hair on her skin grew by the second.

She scratches her face harshly.

No, I can't!

I can't hurt anyone anymore!

I can't risk getting caught by the trappers either, or else I'm good as dead!

Claws pierce the bedroom walls, leaving profound marks on the drywall. "Please make it stop!" She growls through clenched teeth.


She hears a voice in her head. Glancing out into the darkness of the night, the voice calls out more.

"Come out..."

Her body had a mind as she climbed through the bedroom window and ran on all fours through the city's empty streets, chasing down the scent that grew stronger and stronger. The girl stumbles upon a person under a street lamp, their back facing her, their arm dripping the blood she desperately craved. (F/n) pants heavily, wanting to attack the person right where they stood.

Their guard is down, and no one to come to the rescue.

As she carefully snuck upon them, her heart nearly dropped to her stomach as they turned around, revealing to be the new student.


"A werewolf? How delightful." He grins.

She jumps away from him.

Lifting his arm and showing the girl the self-inflicted wound he made upon himself. "So, you're a werewolf, (F/n)?"


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