Chapter 10 - Tea Time Confession

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(F/n) sighs, showing up unprepared for what is waiting for her.

The garden looks better than ever before, and that's honestly saying something as it's always presentable. The fragrance of freshly trimmed grass and blooming flowers overwhelms her senses, causing the girl to feel like she is in a wonderland of pure joy. She notices that no one is around for this gathering. As she explores the courtyard, she stumbles upon a table set with china and decorations that is only big enough for two people. She sat down, placed her hand on her palm, and stared into the distance, wondering what calamity would ensue this time.

Suddenly, a familiar English accent politely interrupted her moment of peace. "Ello, love..."

She jumps, whipping her head to see Arthur standing near the table.

He smiles nervously. "Long time no see..." Holding up a similar letter she received. "Here for the gathering, too, I assume?"

(F/n) nods quietly, restraining herself from saying much.

He motions towards the seat across from her. "May I?"

She nods again, watching as he sits down.

"(F/n), I-."

"Good afternoon, you two!" Mei jumped out of nowhere and spooked the two.

"Mei!" The girl exclaims.

"Hi!" She twiddles her fingers. "I assume you two are here for the company party. And I'm here to inform you that it's partially true..." She began, not knowing how to continue her sentence, fearing being strangled by (F/n)'s hands. "Though, it's only for you and Arthur..."

"Geez, Mei. You're not good at explaining things under pressure, are you?" The three whip their heads toward the direction in which (F/n) saw Elizabeta appear and approach the table. "Good to see you both." She greets and turns to face (F/n). "Especially you. You're looking better."

"Thank you, Eliza. Good to see you too."

"We won't beat around the bush. You two were invited here as the invitation you received of refreshments and to straight things out." Her green eyes softened. "Everyone at work is worried and wants to see you and Arthur truly happy."

(F/n) and Arthur glance at each other and smile slightly.

"And if either of you chickens out," Elizabeta points to multiple areas of exit throughout the site where upon closer look, people guarded them. "Just know leaving won't be an easy task."

"Are you guys crazy?!" She questions loudly.

Both girls grin.

"She's sorta kidding!" Mei intervened. "They're our co-workers helping us out! As Eliza said, we'll all be around if you need us and might stop you if nothing gets resolved."

There was a brief moment of awkward silence.

"Good luck! We'll be back!" The two girls said in sync and scatter off.

"Dear Lord..." The girl mutters, rubbing her temples.

Arthur chuckles. "I've talked to Elizabeta and Mei, and I can tell you have two great friends."

She sighs and watches in the direction they left in. "I do, don't I? They've always been so caring and upbeat."

"How long have you three been friends?" Arthur asks, trying to break the ice and get comfortable in his seat.

She turns back to face him. "Over four years. We became friends a little after I started working here, and we've been inseparable ever since." Without noticing, a smile made its way to her mouth.

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