Chapter 9 - Love For Forever

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The sight of Vladimir lying defeated on the ground feels surreal.

(F/n) knew deep down in her heart that he, of all people, wouldn't lose so easily. 

Especially not to lowlives like them. 

A powerful pulse radiated within her body. 

And before she could blink, the pain of transforming into the werewolf form appeared meaningless, knowing full well what was at stake. Her clothes ripped off her body, covering her from head to toe with rough fur, growing three times the size of the trappers and Vladimir combined. Her teeth and claws are razor-sharp and ready to kill if needed. The desire to howl loudly was tempting, but what she did instead secured the safety of the two creatures. 

The four stop and look at the girl, a former shell of her human self during this dire situation. She growls at the trappers, whose knees shake and become jelly. 

Too scared to move, they see their lives flash before their eyes as they stare into the eyes of the hairy predator. 

Although (F/n) is prepared to fight for Vladimir and herself, the three boys pass out on the spot and fall to the ground unconscious. 

Vladimir gets up and stares down at the group. "Wow." He smiles widely through a beaten face. "You didn't even raise a finger, and you won regardless!" The man expresses gleefully, crouching down and placing his hands out to the trappers. 

Her anger dies down, seeing him so excited.

"They won't remember this night; I'll ensure that." His powers wiped their memories clean for the past hour. 

She closes her eyes as her fur dissolves from her skin. Her necklace is the only thing on her body. 

It starts glowing. 

"(F/n)..." He sees this, quickly goes over to where his jacket returns to the girl, and covers her as best as possible. 

She nods slowly, keeping her eyes on the ground. "Why didn't you tell me sooner..?" Her bottom lip trembles and she begins to cry quietly. Falling to her knees and not caring about the skin that broke upon impact. 

The man sits across from her wearing a sad frown on his face. "I tried to, but something would always stop me whenever I had the chance. As if the universe told me it wasn't the right time." Vladimir gently lifts her chin, tilting her head upwards to meet his gaze. Looking into her eyes, he sees a mixture of emotions that tug at his heartstrings. 

The expression on her face was so powerful that it almost brought him to tears as well. The scarlet red heart pendant of her necklace glows brighter.

His hand trails down to her chest, grabs the accessory, and chuckles. "I'm happy you still feel the same after all these years..."

"The same?" (F/n) wipes her tears away. "It's not solar-powered like you said?" 

The man winces as his laughter aggravates his facial muscles. "No, sorry about that." Vladimir gives a toothy grin. "It's powered by love from the person wearing it..."

"I never stopped loving you even after that day..." The girl's face flushes red. "I'm sorry..." 

"For what?"

"For everything!" She sobs uncontrollably. "I ruined our childhoods! We lost so much because of me!" The tears are flowing once again; they are stronger this time. "You should have never met me! We shouldn't have been friends! I don't deserve to be loved by you after what I did!" The girl's cries turn into howling, and the man puts a hand over her mouth, silencing her.

"(F/n)... it wasn't your fault..." Vladimir rests his forehead against hers. "And besides... Meeting you was fate; becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you, I had no control over."

(F/n) felt tears pour down his eyes and smear against her skin. He was crying without realizing it. "Ancia..." She gulps down the lump in her throat. "No, Vladimir..." She corrects herself. 

What began as soft chuckling between the two slowly turns into silent sobbing.

Vladimir gently picks the girl up in his arms and carries her back to her dorm. 


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