Chapter 5 - Maid For Me

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(F/n) (L/n).

I remember the first time she began working at the manor.

I had been on the job for almost a year, and I happily showed her the ropes.

At first, she was like every other new employee. Messing up occasionally until she got the hang of it and became one of the best members of our staff.

(F/n) always came off as reserved.

No matter how hard the different party tried to make her open up, she never got close to anyone.

A few months passed, and I started to see her in a new light on one faithful day.

I witnessed one of the butlers trying to make a pass at her. I planned to step in, but before I had time to react, she lashed out, shoving him away and scolding him. Though he was taller and more extensive than her, she stood her ground. The man ultimately gave up before the scene escalated.

Then she took a deep breath and continued her work as if nothing had happened. It took courage, and I respected her for it.

Luckily, someone reported the man before I could, but it showed she would take action for herself before telling anyone, which took guts. I watched her that day to ensure she was safe, and I found her in the garden, attending to the plants, when she saw an injured hummingbird within the flower beds. She took time from her lunch break to help the bird and take it to the nearest veterinarian.

After that day, something stirred inside me.

She was different from everyone else.

Diligent and shy, she held a spark and a tenderness that would balance out every trait she possessed.

Respect for her turned into romantic feelings.

I've been carrying them for years now.

I hope to tell her my feelings even if we can't be together.

I would love for her to know that she means more to me than anyone can imagine.

In a perfect world, I'm made for her, and she's made for me...


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