Chapter 8 - Trappers Vs Monsters

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Vladimir stiffens in fear, petrified not to allow either of you to get caught, but if it could be helped. 

Wiping as much blood off his mouth as possible, spitting out anything left inside, too, which hurt him to his core. He turns to face them. "Hello, gentlemen! What seems to be the issue?" Vladimir plays it smoothly and approaches them closer.

The trappers back away slowly. "What were you two doing? It looked like you were biting her..."

"Biting her? Heavens, no! We were messing around, weren't we, darling?" He questions playfully in your direction.

She pulls up her turtle neck, hiding the bite marks, and nods. "Yes, he wasn't hurting me. I swear. Now, could you please leave us alone? We were trying to study, but someone," (F/n) glares at Vladimir. "Got too excited. We're sorry if we caused a scene."

"Fine, we'll go, but first," The leader pulls out an electrified net. "We're going to have to take you two into custody."

"What?" The two questions in sync.

"We ran a scan for DNA in the evidence we found the night of the sighting, and it traced back to you creatures. Of course, we're the only ones who know now." One laughs amusingly. "Like hell we'll let our bounty go to someone else!"

The others nod, agreeing with them.

Vladimir sighs, strategizing his next course of action. Weighing the options on what he was about to do. Quickly gazing back at the girl over his shoulder, he gives a comforting nod. "Stay back, (F/n). "I got this..." He states firmly, taking off his jacket.

The trappers laugh in his face. "What you going to do, freak? You're outnumbered."

His fangs pop out, sharper than ever. "I'm going to do something I should have done a while ago." His eyes glow a bright red, hungry for a fight. Vladimir squares off against the three 'menacing' figures trying to close in on him and (F/n). 

Adrenaline surges as the first trapper lunges, soon meeting a lightning-fast block by him. The second trapper circles the vampire with a hunting glint in his eyes. In a whirlwind of controlled fury, Vladimir strikes and delivers bone-crushing blows to the two. The gritty symphony of the impacts vibrates, but the man stands firm, focusing on shielding the (F/n). 

Amidst the chaos, the third trapper tempts a sneak attack behind. Yet, Vladimir's instincts prevail. With a swift turn, a decisive takedown left the third sprawled on the cold pavement. As they are settled, Vladimir, breathless but set fast, surveys the defeated threats surrounding him. (F/n) looks on with anticipation. Yet that moment was short-lived when the trappers suddenly picked themselves up and lunged at Vladimir—tackling him and pinning him down on the ground. 

"Vladimir!" (F/n) cries out, only to be detained by his voice. 

"Don't! It's okay!" He tries to reassure the girl while being beaten across his face multiple times. 

Three against was unfair, to begin with, but anything is valid in a world like this one. 

"(F/n)!" He struggles to let his words down while trying to fight them off simultaneously. "Remember about your friend, Anica?!" 

The girl nods, resisting every urge to join in and save him. 

Tears threaten to spill from her eyes. 

"I've meant to tell you this since we met!" He violently spits out a lump of blood. "Anica is me! I'm him!" Vladimir confesses tearfully. "I know you never told me the full story, but you bit me back in grade school, and I disappeared afterward! Right?!" 

(F/n) eyes widened, realizing everything in the blink of an eye, making her heart race rapidly. 




Something snaps inside of the girl.


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