Chapter 1 - The Lone Wolf

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(F/n) = First Name

(L/n) = Last Name

Warnings Before Continuing!

« Blood/Slight Gore, Violence, and Mild Language »


"That's all for today; class dismissed. Remember to have your essay handed in on the 7th of next month." And with that, the professor wrapped up their lecture for the day. Students got up and gathered their belongings. They were talking and interacting with one another, getting ready to leave.

(F/n) (L/n) sat in the far back against the corner of the room and watched them because she had no friends to interact with. All she could do was listen to the conversations that weren't hers, wishing she had just one individual by her side, platonically or romantically.

Even if she tried, it could never be since...

"Hey, did you hear about that werewolf attack yesterday at the park? I heard they almost caught the damn thing!"

The girl's ear perked up.

"Too bad the trappers didn't get them. It would've been cool to dissect one, am I right?" The students joked loudly.

She overhears a group's conversation while heading out the door.

"What about a vampire instead? It'd probably be more normal than a hairy mutt!"

She tried to flee the main campus upon feeling defeated whenever people brought up the werewolf and vampire topic.

Jeez... why can't humans leave us alone?

(F/n) played with the scarlet red heart pendant of her necklace and sighed.

Another group of chattering students approaching close in her direction walked passed, seemingly occupied with showing a new student around. (F/n) lowered her head and minded her business until she felt a familiar radiating sensation when the group passed by. Almost like a nostalgic feeling, a feeling that wasn't necessarily 'human'. She glanced back at the group and couldn't pinpoint who it was out of the batch and continued walking instead, not wanting to get involved.

So, we have a new student and another monster beside me on campus...

Isn't that interesting...


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