Chapter 1 - Surviving Without Living

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(F/n) = First Name

(L/n) = Last Name

Warnings Before Continuing!

« Violence, Light Mentions Of R*pe, Blood, and Mild Language »


The odor of salt from the water blocks his senses. 

The same scent every day gets tiring, no matter how many patches of new land he sees and steps on.

Is it bad to want more from life?

"Hey, Emil! Wake up! We're almost there!" Mathias shakes the boy out of his thoughts.

"I was awake, you idiot..." Emil scolds, getting up from the wooden floor. "I was just... thinking."

Far off in the distance sat a small village near the shoreline—the people living there not realizing what was to come in mere minutes.

"You? Thinking? Careful, you don't want to hurt yourself!" Emil glares at him, playing with the handle of his hunter's knife. "Hey, settle down. Now's not the time for that. You know the drill." He walks off and gathers with the rest of the crew. 

The viking ship guides itself toward the settlement.

The boy sees people scatter in circles as they see them approach.

Same old routine.

Same bloodshed...

Will this ever end?

He complained, jumping off the ledge and landing on the sand below. "Here we go again..."

I hope one day, these people can forgive me.

Emil drew his knife and ran toward the wooden homes, carrying out his duty and disposing of anyone who crossed his path.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

"Woo wee! This was a good raid indeed!" Mathias cheers as the ship's crew gathers around the roaring campfire for food and drinks.

Emil keeps his distance from the group and continues to clean his knife. Making sure not a single drop of blood is left in his sight. He gazes up at the starry night sky and spaces out.

Even as a developing young boy, he dreamed of a tamer life. 

One that consists of friends and family in the countryside with a farm and possibly a special somebody by his side. 

Emil knows it's silly to imagine that after what he's done, but he couldn't help but long for it. To the point where he secretly begged the gods that he didn't believe in.

Being an errand dog for these savages isn't what I want, but it's all I have right now...

Instead, he snaps out of his delusions and sharpens his weapon to distract himself. 

Suddenly, he hears a faint rustle in the trees. He gets up swiftly with his knife in hand and wanders off to investigate the cause of the noise. 

It's pitch black and difficult to navigate without a light source besides the moon and stars above. 

Though he can't see clearly, he knows a living being stands nearby.

It steps closer and runs at him. 

Emil dodges their attack quicker and pins them to the ground.

"I got you!" The boy states, hogtying them with the spare rope he carries. Searching for weapons or valuables, he pats them down and grabs something soft and squishy.

"No, wait! I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else!" They cry out tearfully.

A... woman?

Emil quickly removes his hands from her, realizing he accidentally grabbed her breast. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to!"

She sighs in relief and chuckles nervously. "It's okay, but I'd highly appreciate it if you'd untie me. I promise I won't hurt you. Besides, that's not my field of expertise."

He weighed his options and didn't think much of it as he did as requested.

"Thank you so much! My name is (F/n) (L/n). What's yours?"

"Emil..." He pauses for a second. "Emil Steilsson."


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