Chapter 6 - A Worried Caterpillar

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Mei asked as she and Elizabeta questioned (F/n)'s state of mind before the party started.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Work will distract me, and I have no time to mope around." She stood up from her seat and straightened out her dress. "No matter how much it hurts..." The two girls stared at (F/n) concerningly, but they brushed it off, knowing how stubborn she was. (F/n) made her way into the grand hall, where people attended the farewell gathering. Butlers greeted guests at the main entrance and offered refreshments.

The girl stood straight-faced, holding a tray of glasses of white wine in one hand.

I hope my face looks presentable.

Crying almost all night was not what I had planned...

My eyes feel heavy too.

Her gaze landed on Arthur, who was talking to a few people on the second floor. She whimpered silently at the sight of him knowing his heart belonged to another.

But who exactly?

What if it's one of my friends like Elizabeta or Mei?

They're cute.

I wouldn't be surprised...

Though, my heart is not the only thing that's hurting...

Her bandaged palm stung. The bleeding stopped, but any sudden movement would reopen the wound. (F/n) didn't have time to attend to it properly, and she didn't notice from being caught in limbo at the moment, but Arthur had his sights on the girl more than ever after noticing her hand and odd behavior.

"Toris?" Arthur asked his companion.


"Can you stay here for a few minutes? I need to get more champagne."

The boy nodded. "Of course! You can count on me!"

"Perfect. It shouldn't take long." He said, heading down the staircase and passing through the crowd. Arriving at where (F/n) stood, she was no longer there. A handkerchief lay on the floor. Arthur picked it up and searched for her. He walked into the kitchen area and spotted Elizabeta and Mei helping prep food. Arthur lightly tapped on each of the women's shoulders. "Sorry to bother you ladies, but have any of you seen (F/n)? She dropped this." Arthur held up the mint green cloth.

They both stared at him. Mei's stare formed into a glare. "You got some nerve-!" She began harshly. Elizabeta detained her from saying any more. The girl pouted and continued to work.

"She's on a short break." She leans closer. "And what I've witnessed, she's not doing well. Check on her for us, please. You'll likely find her on the third floor on the east side." Elizabeta flicked him on the shoulder. "Good luck."

Arthur nodded and dashed off hurryingly.

I should not have come in today...

I'm drained from head to toe!

(F/n) dragged her feet across the floor. She knew of a place to rest, and that was always vacant. A few people roamed the hallway, slowly leaving one by one to join the real party on the first floor.

I need to clean my cut again.

"(F/n)!" A voice called out from behind her. Turning around, she spots Arthur at the end of the hallway. Her heart skips a beat, but she still waves at him. He smiled and waved, too, in return. Walking towards the girl until he stood right in front of her, always looking composed, he seemed distressed.

"H-hi. Do you need something?" (F/n) questioned without much strength.

"Are you feeling all right? You appear off tonight. Are you sick?" Concern laced his voice.

Is he worried about me?

But why?

She hesitated. "I'm drained from working, nothing to fear." (F/n) displays, searching her dress pocket for her handkerchief. She panics, not feeling it where she had previously placed it.

Arthur held out her missing cloth. "You dropped it."

She sighs in relief. "Thank you so much!" Holding out her injured hand to grab it when he pulled it back.

"What's that, love?" Arthur asked, pointing to the wound.

(F/n) quickly retracted her hand, remembering how it was caused. She avoided his stare. "It's n-nothing... just a tiny scratch..."

"How did you get it?" He continued to interrogate the girl until she cracked under pressure.

"I got carried away in the kitchen..." She paused. "Pardon me, Arthur. I have to get going." She said, walking away when he gently grabbed her uninjured hand. (F/n) blushed bright pink. "Arthur?"

He stayed silent. "(F/n), I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." He effortlessly swept the girl off her feet and placed her on his right shoulder.

"Huh?! Arthur! Put me down this instant!" She exclaimed, wiggling in his grasp.

The few remaining guests stared at the scene unfolding, not knowing what to do.

He headed in the direction she was initially going towards. He opened and shut the door behind him. Arthur tossed (F/n) on a bed and towered over her, staring deep into her eyes. "Now that we're alone, tell me, what's been going on with you lately?"


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