Chapter 2 - 'Normal'

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Bloodsucking vampires and hunger-driven werewolves are the norm in this world—two separate races from humans dating back to the early sixth century. Forbidden occurrences with the three have spawned half-monster, half-human hybrids.

Now, vampires and werewolves coexist in the modern world, only killing if necessary.

(F/n) is one of them.

Unable to fully contain her desire for the taste of mortal flesh from a young age, her growing years were relatively tricky. She attempted to take a chunk out of a fellow schoolmate. Not necessarily killing them but injuring them drastically. She moved after the incident and hid from the outside world, trying to tape her life back together by intending university after many years had passed.

(F/n) distanced herself from everyone for their safety.

The girl was on top of her classes and took a small pride in it since it was the only thing she could be proud of without causing anyone pain. Well, physical pain, at least, since several students strived to be top dogs and gave it their all. And (F/n) was naturally gifted in the academic field.

Fast forward to now, as the girl sat in her usual seat and was ready to take notes of the lecture. Students are still walking in and getting prepared.

Then, the familiar sensation appeared again.

(F/n) glanced over to the doors, watched people enter, and saw someone she'd never seen before.

It must be the newbie...

He had shaggy shoulder-length strawberry-blond hair, pale skin, and ruby-red eyes. The boy looked around aimlessly, wondering where he should sit.

"Vladimir, over here!"

A boy, two rows before her, called out to Vladimir.

He quickly goes over to him and sits by them. "Thanks!"

Behind his toothy and seemingly genuine smile at the kind gesture, (F/n) couldn't help but notice he burdened a secret...

One even greater than hers, but who could say?

It's hard to tell apart from humans, vampires, and werewolves unless you were to witness them with your own eyes.


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