Chapter 6 - Our Secrets

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"Quick, hurry!" (F/n) whispers to Vladimir, who is trailing behind her.

"I'm going! Besides, I'm not the one who's butt naked right now. You hurry!" He retorts as the two climbs into the girl's apartment's open window and enter. She swiftly went into the bathroom to put on clothes. "Nice place you got here, (F/n)!" Vladimir comments, curiously looking around the room.

"T-thank you..." She says as a previous problem popped into her mind. "Hey, let's get your wound cleaned up!" She hurried over to the cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit.

Vladimir stops her mid-action. "Don't worry about me!" He held up his already healed arm. "If we're going to learn about each other, let's make this lesson number one. We, vampires, heal fast depending on the impact of the injury. What I did to myself was nothing."

"Oh, wow..." (F/n) gawks at the sight of his pale skin. Impressed by his healing abilities. Then suddenly, the girl's heartbeat ran a hundred miles per hour. 

What the..?

She tried to regulate her heart rate before it became obvious.

Vladimir tilts his head in concern. "Are you all right? Your heart is beating awfully fast."

She froze in place. "How did you..?"

He smirks slightly. "Lesson number two. We have a keen sense of hearing." He points to his ears.

"I'll make sure to write that down, too." She states, going over to the bed next to the desk.

His gaze lands upon the surfaces of each piece of furniture covered with papers and books. "Working hard, I see... May I?" He comments casually.

The girl nodded, trying to organize the mess on the bed, and sat across from him. "I know this is off-topic, but how is your essay coming along?" (F/n) questions.

"I'm almost done. Though, I'm having a hard time with the conclusion."

"Sounds rough..." She sighs heavily. "At least you're nearly there. I'm having a difficult time writing the first sentence. It's crazy that we're both doing this assignment earlier than expected. Many people would just put this off until the last minute." The girl points out as she glances out the window.

"Thankfully, we're not like most people, right?" He leans in closer, staring at your figure, and smiles.

(F/n) looks away and blushes.

"Do you have a person in mind?" He asks.

"I do, but that's the thing. That person... I haven't seen them in years, and they grew to hate me. They meant a lot to me, and I accidentally hurt them... It doesn't seem right writing about them..." The girl trails off.

Vladimir stays silent until he finds the right words. "I'm sorry to hear that..."

She shakes her head. "Don't be. It's all right... For now, let's focus on getting to know each other. About our similarities and differences." She says, pulling out a pen and a notebook for herself and then handing Vladimir one. "You already told me two things. In return, I'll tell you some of mine. At a young age, werewolves cannot control their hunger for certain types of food, such as human flesh. Animal flesh can satisfy us just as much, but apparently, human flesh keeps us well-filled for at least a couple of months. And it enhances our abilities. That's why we're hunted more than your kind."

Vladimir listens carefully and jots down notes.

"Second thing," The girl held out her hands as her nails grew into sharp claws. "We can control individual aspects of our bodies to a certain degree, as you can tell, but if something is out of our control, then we transform entirely nonconsensually. Hence why I went crazy."

"I see." He comments, examining (F/n)'s claws. "Amazing! They're sharpened to the point, and they're shiny! That's cool! Do you take care of them?"

She pulls her hand away, feeling embarrassed. "Y-yes..." She stutters and retracts them. "Just because I'm a hairy monster doesn't mean I don't care for myself."

"Oh, that's not what I meant! I'm sorry if it came off as insensitive." Vladimir apologizes.

The girl mentally facepalms herself. "No... you're fine. Another thing is we can get very hostile at times out of nowhere... so, please don't apologize..."

He laughs off the tension. "No problem at all! I don't think you're hostile. You're just on your guard, which is a good thing! We have to protect ourselves more than others." Vladimir took a deep breath as he listened to her heartbeat closely. "Something I've noticed about you is that you give off a strong sense that you want to have friends. This is not a selfish desire, but that leads to the question, " Why are you always scared?" He whispers the last sentence softly. His red eyes glowed as if he could hypnotize you with merely a stare.

(F/n) hesitates for a moment, her bottom lip trembling. "If I were, to be honest.... yes..." Tears start to flood her eyes. "I'm always scared... petrified. That I might hurt people without even thinking of it. And now, there's someone new I care about, and I don't want to hurt them... that's why I keep my distance. I don't want my past to be relived because if it does, I don't know if I could go on living."

Vladimir frowns sadly. It was apparent the girl's words hurt him. "(F/n)..." He scoots the chair closer to the bed. "It's okay because-." He starts before he is interrupted by a loud banging at the front door. 

The two jump in surprise.

"Miss (L/n)? We're trappers out on duty and want to speak to you."

"Damn trappers..." Vladimir growls in frustration and gets up. "Stay here. I'll get it." He undid all seven locks and slightly cracked open the door. Greeting them with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

There were three men at the door. 

More specifically, the guys from the language arts class that speak to Vladimir.

"Vlad, what are you doing here? Isn't this (F/n)'s apartment?"

He chuckles. "It is. Do you need something from her?"

"We do. But..." The boy leans closer to Vladimir, whispering, "Are you guys dating?"

Vladimir had to think on his feet. "Yes?" He questions his response himself. 

(F/n) overhears his answer and squeals.

"Okay, we'll talk about that another time, but since you're both here, two is better than one. Have you guys spotted any disturbances in the last thirty minutes?"

The girl got up and stood behind Vladimir. Peering to the side, fearing that this interaction can take a wrong turn if not answered carefully. 

Trappers have almost the same authority as police officers.

He shook his head. "Not necessarily. (F/n) and I have been studying for a few hours. Why? What's going on?" Vladimir asks concerningly.

"We found werewolf fur and dried vampire blood near the park." They pause for a second, waiting for a reaction from the man guarding the doorway. "Now, you two wouldn't happen to know about this, would you?"


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