Chapter 3 - Let Me Teach You

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Village by village.

Body by body.

The crew showed not the slightest sliver of mercy and slaughtered anyone they didn't need. Looting food and valuables to keep them going for an extended period.

The new crew member fit in surprisingly well, providing minor tasks to men who knew nothing but stealing and killing. "Thank you, (F/n), for fixing my sweater! My mother sewed it, so I appreciate it!" One of the crew members thanks her.

The girl smiles warmly. "You're welcome!"

It's been over a week since she joined, and she's blending in quite well.

Emil watches her as she interacts with the others, still unconvinced that they'd obey Mathias's rules about not harming her well-being. The usual deadpan face Emil always wears, so people did not want to approach him, but that didn't stop (F/n).

"Emil, do you have anything you want to be patched up?" She asks sweetly, looking down at the boy who always sits far away from everyone else in the nearest corner.

He meets her gaze and shakes his head. "Not that I can think of at the moment. I'll let you know if something does arise."

(F/n) nods happily and wanders off.

Emil never lost track of her, and just as he monitors her, Mathias sneaks behind him and leans against his ear. "What are you doing, boy?" He whispers eerily, hoping to scare him even though he has failed many times before.

"What does it look like?" Emil responds, not phased by the man. "I'm keeping an eye on (F/n) to ensure she's safe around you, savages." He states harshly, making Mathias pout.

"Oh, come on!" He threw his arms in the air out of frustration."I gave you my word, didn't I?"

"Your word means nothing to me."

The man sighs. "Cold as usual..."

The two observe (F/n).

"Why did you take such a liking to this girl?" Mathias questions. "You met her not that long ago. Are you planning something bigger?" He teases Emil until his hair is pulled from his head. "Okay, I'm sorry!" He exclaims and then is released.

"It's nothing you're thinking, that's for sure."

The girl laughs with the group of men as they tell her jokes.

Emil sighs softly. "I can't explain it, but I want her to make it home in one piece—along with her sanity attached if possible." His violet eyes glisten colorfully and are full of life whenever they land on her.

Mathias smiles. "If that's the case, why don't you two gather food together?" He suggests. "The last village was low on food supplies."

"That's what you people get for your crimes. Just wait until Lukas comes back." Emil says.

"Yeah, yeah. So, will you take (F/n) with you or not?"

The boy stands up and dusts off his clothes. "Yes, to steer clear of lingering urges these savages may have."

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

The ship docks for now, and (F/n) and Emil trail off the main path to explore the forest. "This is going to be so much fun!" She chirps, walking alongside Emil. "I've never been hunting before."

"Seriously? It's a trait everyone should know. Regardless of gender."

"I know..." The girl pouts.

Emil notices this and reanalyzes his words. "W-what I meant to say was, it's good that you're learning now. Better late than never."

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