Chapter 5 - Acquaintanceship

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"So, you're a werewolf, (F/n)?" Vladimir questions, wiping the blood off his arm, which splattered on the concrete.

(F/n) was speechless, unable to form a single sentence. Walking backward, she carefully planned a quick escape. "I don't... know who you're talking about, mister..." She states, her voice was unrecognizable due to vocal distortion caused by the werewolf's effect on her body.

Vladimir clicks his tongue. "Someone as smart as you shouldn't play dumb."

"As I told you before, you got the wrong person!" The girl shouts, making a run for it. "Stay away from me!"

He sighs deeply, taking off his jacket and tying it around his waist. "Stubborn, I see..." He dashes after her.

Does Vladimir know it's me, and how exactly?

Was it a trap set up for werewolves?

She questioned as she sprinted on all fours as fast as she could back to her apartment, but she was tackled to the ground before reaching it.

Vladimir somehow caught up to her and pinned her down with great force. He pants heavily above the girl. "Calm down! I want to talk-!"

She scratched his face before he could finish his sentence and fell off her. She growls and gazes down at her claws. Realizing she accidentally hurt him out of fear. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" (F/n) expresses tearfully, then curls up into a ball. "I'm sorry..."

Vladimir got up and watched the girl as her aggressive state downgraded to one of a lost puppy.

It brought back memories.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident! Please don't hate me!" The little girl pleaded desperately, groveling at the boys' feet.

He knelt next to her and softly petted her head. "It's okay..."

(F/n) flinches at the sudden physical touch, but something about it eases her nerves. A familiar sensation flooded her body. She let him continue his actions until he spoke again.

"I won't hurt you. I promise." He cooed. "Please answer me. Is it you, (F/n) (L/n)? The university's top student?"

She removed his hand and sat down. "Yes, it is. In the flesh."

He nods at her response.

"If you're going to hand me over to the trappers, you might as well do it now. Don't waste any more time on me. I don't deserve to live freely after what I've done... it was going to catch up with me someday." The girl mumbles.

Vladimir tilts his head. "Now, why on earth would I do that? If anything, it's an honor meeting someone as unique as you. I might as go as far as saying you should be preserved!"

She stares at him, questioning her safety again.

"Not in the way you think! In all seriousness, I'd love to research more about you. Maybe one day, we'll all be able to live in harmony like it's always meant to be! What do you say?" He asks happily, waiting for a response on the spot.

(F/n) frowns. "You're quite enthusiastic and rather calm on encountering a werewolf... No offense, but how can I trust you won't betray and turn me in? We don't know each other either."

He chuckles in amusement. "Cautious, aren't you? I like that. Though, I don't blame you." He scoots closer to the girl. "I hope this will make you change your mind." Vladimir opens his mouth and reveals his teeth slowly growing into fangs.

Her eyes widened in shock. "You're a vampire..?"

My intuition was right, after all.

"Yep! Born and proud!" He flashes a toothy grin. "This whole ordeal will be our little secret, okay?"

She nodded, and her fur began to shed off her skin as she wanted to ask more questions. Signaling her werewolf state was under control and hid. Leaving the girl naked by the second.

Vladimir panics and puts his oversized jacket over her. "Um, is there anywhere we can talk more about this? The trappers are usually out around 1 am."

She points to her apartment complex a few feet away. "We can go to my place if you want..."

The fur on her chest fell away, revealing the necklace she always wore. It was impossible not to look at as it glowed a deep red, causing Vladimir to blush. He swallowed hard as a lump formed in his throat. "S-sure... why not?"


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