Chapter 8 - Heartburn

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After Arthur receives the scolding of his life from Elizabeta and Mei, he, along with the girls, finishes the night that seemed to drag on purposely and is left defeated by the events that occurred that day.

But as for Arthur, he left with information on his person of interest and the timeline of what transpired.

He rolls back and forth in his bed, unable to process it.

In summary, (F/n) has had feelings for him for four years, and so has Arthur for her. Neither of them has been brave enough to admit it to one another, and rumors were spreading that Arthur and the master's daughter were in a secret relationship that was later confirmed to be false. Mei and Elizabeta were beyond relieved hearing that fact. They wanted to contact (F/n) to check on her well-being and to assure her that everything was fine. But they felt it wasn't their place to tell the girl how Arthur truly felt, especially after all these years.

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(F/n) lays face up in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Mentally and physically drained, unable to recover from the past week. She hadn't been to work due to being 'sick' for several days.

Is heartbreak considered a sickness?

She questioned, drifting off to sleep again to escape reality and forget about life, even if it was for a limited time. However, it didn't work since her problems entered her mind.

"Welcome to the team, love. We hope you fit in fine here."

When did he first start calling me that?

And am I the only one?

Simple mannerisms and occasional chats were what it took to fall for an airhead like him, yes, I say, airhead, for as calm, cool, and collected he may appear, I've seen his side where he's a hot mess literally and figuratively.

And here we are, four years later.

I'm pathetic...


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"You're not pathetic, (F/n)." A soft and charming voice soothed the girl's pain of committing another error during her first few days on the new job.

(F/n)'s hands trembled while holding the teapot, messing up again. She glances at Arthur, who was showing her the basics. The girl was on the brink of releasing tears of frustration. "But I am! Making a simple batch of tea shouldn't be this hard! So, why am I messing up so bad?!"

"Try to calm down first and try again," Arthur said gently, grabbing the teapot from her hands. "Trust me, it took a while for me, too, when I first started. That's one of the beauties in this world, wouldn't you say? Once you get it correctly after so many tries, the victory tastes all the more sweeter." He flashed her a smile (F/n) would never forget, not to mention his kind words and gesture. "I'll teach you as many times as you need until you feel like you don't need my guidance anymore." He set the pot down and held out his hand for a handshake. "Deal?"

The girl smiled and felt butterflies in her stomach. Firmly took his hand and shook it. "Deal."

And he kept his word.

He showed her everything she needed to know and turned her into the capable worker she is now.

It's crazy how easily a person can fall for another...

I'm sorry, Arthur.

But I am pathetic...


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