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"Arthur, dear, can you please take this tray to table three?" (F/n) asks the Brit across the counter, scooting the food tray closer to him.

"Yes, love, of course." He did as requested and approached the table of older women. Arthur knew them before since he had once served them at the manor.

"Artie! It's good to know you're married and running a successful business!" One of the women voices cheerfully.

"No kidding! We had to come and see you again!" Another mentions.

Arthur laughs. "Thank you, ladies, for your undying support. Can I also offer our specialty? It's jasmine tea."

They all smile and nod.

"Perfect." He says, writing down on his notepad.

"Do you two plan to expand the business anytime soon?"

Arthur inhaled sharply. "I'd like to, but it's up to the Mrs."

"Fair enough." They said in sync.

The bell under the entrance rings as the double doors are flung open by two familiar faces. "Where are the two lovebirds?!" Mei exclaimed loudly until Elizabeta slapped a hand over the girl's mouth, silencing her.

"They're here alright. They're the only ones who work here anyway."

"Hi, Arthur!" They greet him from afar.

The man excuses himself and welcomes the two girls.

"Hey, blondie! How have you been?" Mei asked.

"Better than ever."

"Eyebrows, taking good care of (F/n), I assume?" Elizabeth questioned in a teasing manner.

"Of course! You two were at the wedding and saw for yourself!" He chuckles. "(F/n) is in the back. Follow me." They follow Arthur and see the girl preparing a tea tray. "Love, I brought two guests." Arthur stepped aside and watched as her eyes lit up, seeing her two best friends.

The three embrace one another and begin to catch up on life.

"I'll leave you, girls, for a few." Arthur said, taking the tray (F/n) prepared from her hands and going out front.

"He's been treating you well, right?" Elizabeth interrogated her.

"Yes, more than I can bear. He treats me like a queen." She expresses joyfully.

They smile.

"That's great; we're happy for you." Mei said, holding her hands.

"Looking for extra help by any chance?" Elizabeth questioned, which piqued her interest.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, two spots are available at the moment." She stops to ponder. "Did you guys quit the manor?"

"Not necessarily. We're just looking for a second job." Elizabeth said.

Mei nods eagerly.

"Great! When can you guys start?"

"As soon as possible, if that's alright." Mei said.

"Okay, I'll get you two the things you need to start tomorrow! First, let me take you to a table and show you what we got, my treat." (F/n) motions them to follow her back outside. Glancing over at her husband, she observes him.

He treated everyone and everything with a delicate touch.

Polite and gentle with a hint of salt when needed.

That night (F/n) and Arthur lay in bed together. As she told him about Mei and Elizabeth and what they had been up to, he listened and took hold of her hand, bringing it close to his face and kissing the inside of her palm where her wound had fully healed and left behind a scar.

Milk and tea.

Two great things when they are apart but are even better when they're together.


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