➔After You Read

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Hi! ♡(>ᴗ•)

Thank you so much to everyone who made it this far!

Writing this was a pleasure because I always wanted to write something about England being a butler.

I know there are lots of variations of the butler version of him.

And I've read a couple.

Though they're all great, I always noticed a constant pattern when it came down to it, which I found repetitive...

Either it's butler England x master Reader or master England x maid Reader.

So, since I haven't seen it yet, I decided to write where both England and the Reader are both butler and maid.

I enjoyed writing this, and here are a few facts that occurred/originally would have happened in the drafts I had planned out, but they did not fit in the final cut due to certain limitations.

(1) I previously mentioned that the idea for this story about a butler and a maid was sparked by a desire for more of this particular genre. However, it was fanart featuring butler England that motivated me to keep going and complete it. Hence the cover art.

(2) There was a spicy scene between England and the Reader in the part where they're both in the bedroom during the farwell party but was cut out since it didn't fit in yet in the story. :p

(3) The part where Arthur (England) and Françoise (Nyo! France) were talking; Françoise was going to use further seduction on him, though I didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

(4) England and the Reader originally had a child after getting married, but was cut out since I couldn't squeeze in that subplot and wanted to focus on the couple more during the epilogue.

That's all for now!

Thanks once again for reading!

If you want more stories like this, check out my profile and read to your heart's content!

Comments and votes are much appreciated! o(≧▽≦)o

Till next time!

Bye! <3

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