Chapter 10 - Full Blood

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One Month Later...

(F/n) worked on her essay for hours. As she types the last sentence, she lets out a sigh of relief and stretches her arms. 

Just then, the girl hears a knock at the door. 

Getting from her seat, she walks to the door and unlocks all the locks on the side of the door. When she opens it, (F/n) sees Vladimir standing there with a massive bouquet of deep red roses.

The sweet fragrance of the flowers fills the air, and she can't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty of the gesture. 

He envelopes her in a giant hug, making the girl feel safe in his arms. "Hello, my love~!" Vladimir says, grinning from ear to ear. "Are you finished with your essay yet?"

(F/n) replies proudly. "Yes, I just finished." She motions towards her work, sitting on the desk.

The man grins. "Perfect!" He gives her the bouquet, which she happily accepts. "For your hard work, darling." He kisses her cheek, putting a blush on her face.

"Thank you, Vlad." (F/n) says, going into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase of water. 

Vladimir glances at her essay and nods. "You wrote about me in the end, huh?"

She returns, letting out a sigh. "I was already writing about you initially; it was only right to continue it."

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" He exclaims. "I also wrote about you too from the beginning."

A smile creeps on her face. "Really..?"

Vladimir grins shyly. "Yes, it was hard not to..." He hands her his essay, which had already been printed out. 

She reads it and her heart swells with tenderness.

A warming sentiment fills her, knowing they are on the same page about each other. "I guess we'll see who gets the high score."

"May the best essay win, my love~." Vladimir chuckles, and they both laugh. 

They sit side by side and read each other's essays.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

It had been a few days since the students had submitted their papers and they waited for their grades to be handed out. 

(F/n) and Vladimir sit next to each other, each nervous about what their professor would think of their work.

Finally, the moment arrives, and the professor begins distributing the graded papers. As soon as (F/n) and Vladimir received theirs, they couldn't help but look at each other before glancing at their grades. 

To their delight, they both received the same score.

"Excellent work, you two," The professor says, smiling. I couldn't decide which one was better." The compliments (F/n) made Vladimir feel prouder about their work.

"I look forward to seeing what else awaits you two," They say before returning to their desk. 

(F/n) and Vladimir share a smile and shake each other's hands, both feeling relieved. 

"Two winners are better than one," Vladimir sneakily flashes his toothy smile, quickly kissing (F/n)'s hand. 

She laughs softly and plays with her necklace while replying, "Definitely..."


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