8. I knew you were trouble

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"Hello." Says Arthur while he frowns. He knows who they are, of course he does.

But they don't know him, and partly that hurts. He knows how close Charles is with them.

"Oh excuse me, I thought you were somebody else." Says George and behind him were Lando and Alex.

"He looks a lot like him, wow." Says Lando.

"Yeah I know." Says Arthur with a cuckle.

"Arthur!" He looks up when his name is shouted and he saw Charles walking up to him.

Arthur sees the confused faves of the three boys in front of him.

"You're here?" Asks Charles and lays a hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Wait, you know him? It was so weird, I really thought it was you when we saw him from behind." Laughs George.

"Well not a surprise." Says Charles, with a small smile before he looks back at Arthur.

"When did you arrive?" Asks Charles and Arthur roll his eyes.

"When I left home." Says Arthur.

"Home?'' Asks Lando and Arthur looks at him.

"Your friends don't even know I exist?" Asks Arthur to Charles, who looks at the ground.

"I know we said we wouldn't tell the media but doing like I don't exist to people close to you?" Arthur looks at Charles, who still doesn't look at him. "You really took me out of your life, didn't you?" Says Arthur and Charles looks at him with a shocked face.

"That shows how important I am for you." Says Arthur while he shook his head softly.

"I'm sorry." Whispers Charles while he looks at his friends and then back at Arthur.

"We will go." They hear Alex say, but Charles doesn't focus on them, only on his little brother who looks really hurt.

"I never thought you would keep me a secret from everyone." Says Arthur.

"You wanted tha-"

"No, I didn't want the media to know. I didn't want to be your secret!" Says Arthur. "Is that why you never invited me before?'' Asks Arthur and Charles mouth fell open.

"Non." Says Charles and wants to grab Arthur's arm but the younger boy set a step away.

"I don't even know why I tried getting close to you two again and all to break my heart again. To leave me here in Monaco while you enjoy the rest of your life, letting me rot." Says Arthur.

"That's not true!" Shouts Charles and then slams a hand in front of his mouth.

"Let everyone hear you." Says Arthur while he sees the eyes on them.

"I'm going to go." Says Arthur when Charles stays silent, but when he wanted to walk, Charles grabs his arm and pulls him along. Arthur's not strong enough to get his arm free, and he sees the Ferrari hospitality getting closer.

"Let me go!" Says Arthur, but Charles doesn't listen and throws away the beer in Arthur's hand.

"Hey! I was drinking that!" Says Arthur, but shut his mouth with the look Charles gives him.

Further away, Arthur sees his older brother and Maman sitting at a table. They are laughing together at something Lorenzo shows on his phone. They do look so happy.

“Sit down.” Says Charles and push him into the seat next to Lorenzo.

"We're going to talk." Says Charles while he sits down as well.

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