21. You are not alone.

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"Arthur!" Shouts Lorenzo when he hears the door close. He runs towards the front door and opens it. He steps outside and looks around, but Arthur is already gone.

His car is still parked so it means he is running, but which way? You can go all four ways, and then you have a lot of side streets.

"No way that we will find him, let's go inside." Says Maman, who is behind him.

"No, I will take my car and drive around. Monaco isn't big so we can find him." Says Lorenzo, and

steps back inside to look for his car keys.

"He can go to his friends house, and we have no idea where they live." Says Maman.

"It's raining, if he's not going to a friend, then he will be soaking wet." Says Lorenzo and she shrugs.

"I don't care, Lo." Says his mother and she sits down.

"What is the true, Maman? I'm getting tired of this yes and no stories. You both say something else, and he did really seem upset that we told this." Says Lorenzo and sits down next to her.

"You're saying I'm lying?" She asks.

"No, of course not. Do you understand how difficult it is for me and Charles to understand what is happening? You and Arthur tell the same story, but it is the other person. I don't know it anymore Maman." Says Lorenzo and she grabs his hand.

"I do understand, but I don't understand why he puts me in this position." She says

"But why does he seem so upset that you told this, like you are lying to everyone. Why would he do that? And why would you lie? All of this doesn't make sense!" Says Lorenzo and Maman shrugs.

"I don't know, Lo. It hurts me that he wants me to put me in this dark light to you guys." She says and puts a hand on her mouth to make her sob sound softer.

Lorenzo puts his arm around her and rests his head against her shoulder.

"It feels wrong that he is out there doing whatever. What if he will get in danger?"

"Then he does that himself." Says Maman and Lorenzo close his eyes.

"I came here with such anger towards him, and now I saw him like that... Maman, he is still so young." He says and she nods

"I can understand that, but I can't help but only feel anger towards him. Saying I did it while he was the one wasted." She says and Lorenzo looks out of the window.

How could he be so upset if he was the one who did it? Why would Arthur lie to them and say it was their mother who did it? Why would he run away while there is a storm outside? Why would he walk away from his problems and not just talk with us?

Why doesn't he know who the boy is in front of him? This is not how his little brother was in his mind.

"I do think it is a good decision to take him with us after we find him. Maman he needs to get away from here and reset." Says Lorenzo.

"Then you let him have his way. He does something wrong and can then go with you to his dream job." Says Maman and Lorenzo look down.

"I need to talk with Charles about what we are going to do. Because maybe it is better if I'm home here for a while, then leave you two alone." Says Lorenzo and his mother looks at him.

"I don't need you to watch him." Says Maman.

"No, but I think this situation is not good for either of you. There must be a reason why he is so mad and decided to drink it all away." Says Lorenzo.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now