31. They don't want me here.

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"Are you okay?" Asks Ollie after a while and Dennis lets out a wet cuckle.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be mate." Says Ollie and presses him closer with the arm he has around Dennis' shoulder.

"I have so much on my mind, and all you guys and my sister are talking about Arthur. He's not the problem. It's Jace and I thought I let it all go, but now It's back in my mind and I can't stop thinking about it." Says Dennis.

He thought he was ready to move on. He left those horrible times with him behind him, but now it is slowly getting back to him.

He just wanted to make new friends without feeling scared of what could happen... What if he ever fall in love again? Maybe this situation with Jace ruined him more than he thought.

Cameras are terrible, and he still does not feel comfortable seeing someone film him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Asks Ollie and Dennis shrugs.

"I'm just confused. I don't know what to think, and I thought meeting new people would make everything easier, but it didn't. I thought it did, but looking back, I don't think I can fully trust people like I used to? I don't know maybe I do." Says Dennis.

"Did this start after meeting Arthur?" Asks Ollie and Dennis but his lip.

“Maybe.” Says Dennis and let out a sigh.

"I don't know, and that is the frustrating part. I talked about it with Emillie about Jace, and then it made me think. Those two weeks I haven't been able to think about anything else than what happened back then. And then I started to talk more with Arthur and I really do enjoy it. He's the one who made me think about something else, he doesn't push me to talk but comes up with stories to make me laugh. He's not the problem but me trusting people." Says Dennis.

"Did Jace do so much damage to you?" Ollie asks and Dennis nods.

"He was my first boyfriend, he had problems and I wanted to be there for him. He said I was the reason he was still alive. He did some fucked up things to me, and it was really difficult to get out of that situation. "

Dennis swallows and looks at Ollie.

He can't tell him the whole truth. He doesn't want people to look at him differently.

What is the use of the information that there are naked photos of Dennis online that Jace took when he was asleep or not looking.

Thinking back about it leaves goosebumps on his skin.

He feels disgusting.

"I can't put a finger on why I'm so interested in meeting Arthur. He has this thing that I want to get to now. I want to know him. He has been so nice, and now we are talking more I don't want to stop anymore. But Jace gave me this feeling of not wanting to trust people and that is why it is so scary why I trust Arthur already without knowing him." Says Dennis.

"There's a lot going on in your mind." Says Ollie and Dennis nods.

"I probably don't make any sense." Says Dennis

"It's confusing but I can understand why your head is so full now." Says Ollie and Dennis look away to the ground.

"It makes me scared of how I feel about Arthur. I said he is not the problem that I'm not sleeping but he is part of it. It's more about Jace than Arthur." Says Dennis.

"Do you think you are falling for Arthur? You said he's not your type." Says Ollie.

"I don't know Arthur well enough to say falling for him. I don't feel like that. I really see him as a friend, nothing more." Says Dennis and Ollie nods.

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