12. Carried away.

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TW: Mentions of selfharm!


Two arms wrap themselves around his body and push his body against the other boy.

Arthur feels himself tense at first, but when Dennis rubs his back, he feels himself relax, and he carefully puts his arms around Dennis.

"I don't know what is going on, but I'm here for you."

Arthur feels a sinking feeling in his stomach, he doesn't know how to feel.

Arthur carefully rests his head against Dennis' shoulder and Dennis puts his arms tighter around Arthur.

A hug he needed...

"Are you okay?" He asks and Arthur stares in front of him.

"I don't know." He says honestly, and then they break apart. Arthur lets go of Dennis when he thinks about how weird this must look to all the people around them.

"Talk to me." Says Dennis and nods towards the MP era.

"I need to go back. I just came to bring you your hoodie." Says Arthur.

Don't get too close, he's gone by tomorrow. You don't make friends, he won't want to be one.



"Goodbye Dennis." Says Arthur, and he turns around to walk away.

Dennis looks after him, seeing the boy disappear into the distance, and then he sprints and grabs Arthur before he can go through the gates.

"I don't know why, but there is something in me that knows you are not okay, and that I want to be there for you even when I don't know you." Says Dennis and looks into Arthur's blue and a bit of green eyes.

"That's why, you don't know me and never will Dennis. You leave again after today, I'm just a boy you met, nothing more." Says Arthur and he feels how Dennis puts him a bit closer.

"But what if I want more? I want to get to know why."

"Why?'' Asks Arthur and Dennis stays silent.

"I'm nothing special, Dennis. We won't see each other again after today. You don't even know who I am, so why do you want to get to know me?"

Arthur hates himself.

There's nothing more he wants then get to know Dennis.

"I don't know why. The past few days, I thought about you a lot."

"That's a bit weird, no?" Says Arthur, even when he did the same. He's a dirty liar.

He's nothing good.

He's not worth good things.

"No, I want to get to know you and be friends."

"You don't know me."

"We can change that." Says Dennis, and Arthur looks at him again. His brown eyes are looking deep into his own blue ones.

"I have to go." Says Arthur.

"You don't." Says Dennis, and Arthur sighs. Dennis lets him go and Arthur looks at his arm.

"I want to get to know you, but only if you want that too. Yes I'm going away tomorrow. But we can messages each other. And when I have my break I can come to Monaco, and we get to know each other better." Says Dennis.

"Don't say anything you don't mean." Says Arthur softly and then he feels a finger under his chin and forced him to look up, face to face with Dennis again.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now