33. Headlines

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It wasn't a long walk to his hotel, it was pretty close. It's already getting late, Lorenzo will probably sleep now.

For a moment he wanted to sit still for some rest and to think.

Conclusion, he has not become any wiser from thinking about it.

He doesn't know what he wants, what exactly he feels; angry, sad, confused or anxious.

He can't have a normal conversation with his brothers because they always end up having a discussion. He doesn't feel like doing that.

He wants to enjoy this weekend, be able to cheer on Ferrari without being annoyed with his brother.

Let's say if Charles wins he just stands there eating himself up while his brothers go partying.

He doesn't feel like it.

But they don't listen to him, what he has to say or what he wants to say. They immediately address it or say it's not true. Arthur is always the one who lies.

He opens the door with his card and walks inside. He gently closes the door behind him.

The room is dark, so Lorenzo is indeed already sleeping. Arthur walks to his bed, luckily he had already laid out clothes this morning to wear for the night.

"Arthur?" Asks Lorenzo in a sleepy voice.

"Yes?" Ask Arthur

"You're back." He says

"Yes." He says and then walks towards the bathroom with his clothes. He goes to brush his teeth and change clothes before going back into the room.

"Where were you? You didn't pick up." Ask Lorenzo. He had turned on the nightlight on the bedside table so that the room was no longer dark.

"I didn't want to talk, it wasn't that nice in the restaurant, don't you think? I don't know why we keep trying." Says Arthur and lay down on his bed.

"You really think that?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur turns to his side.

"Good night Lorenzo." Says Arthur.

He hears his older brother sigh and then the light goes out.

Arthur feels this uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, and tries to ignore it.

How do they always get to the point where everything becomes worse than it already was?

He didn't get any sleep that night.


"Charles is waiting downstairs." Says Lorenzo and Arthur nods.

He grabs his bag that he packed to take it to the circuit with him.

Like Alice said, try to enjoy the time of this race weekend instead of going home.

He didn't book a flight, but he's staying here in Austria. He still has no idea if this is the right decision, but he will find out. He probably won't be at Ferrari all the time, but he will look around, and hopefully he can find Dennis.

Thinking about it, he would be stupid to not spend time with the other boy while he's now here in Austria.

Dennis has a busy weekend himself with driving, but maybe he has a little bit of time

All he wants is to say hello and ask how he's doing.

"Are you ready?'' Asks Lorenzo and Arthur nods.

They walk out of the hotel and are heading downstairs. He hears his phone going off with notifications. He wants to grab it, but Charles already arrives with his car at the front so he steps in.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now