2. I've missed you.

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"So, ready for everyone to find out what a liar you are." Says Nathan, and Arthur rolls his eyes and walks further. He has no time or energy to deal with this.

"I'm asking you something, Leclerc!" Shouts Nathan and Arthur keeps walking. He hears the heavy footsteps behind him.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and then he is held back and turned around. His back falls against the lockers and Arthur looks straight into Nathan's eyes.

"I have a class to go to. Could you let me go?" Asks Arthur and grins a little at the annoyed face of Nathan.

"You think you're funny, but you're not. When we go on the tour in Ferrari, everyone will see how Charles wouldn't even react to you. You only have the same surname, nothing more. Everyone knows that Charles has one brother, Lorenzo. If you were his younger brother, the media would have known."

"What do you want me to say? It doesn't matter what I say. You made everyone against me, I'm not even going tomorrow because you ruined it for me." Says Arthur and Nathan and his mates starts to laugh.

"Plus I don't ever said he was my brother, you made that up and I'm getting shit about it."

"See, you don't even dare to come because you know you lie."

"I know one mistake, and that was telling my surname." Says Arthur.

"We don't even know who your real family is." Says Nathan.

"You don't even care." Says Arthur, and then stands up right.

"If you excuse me." And Arthur deliberately bumps his shoulder into Nathan's and then walks to his classroom.

It's going to be a fun few days.


There is not a lot to say about his classes, he gets information for hours in a row and then he has to do further work at home to show that you understand, and that continues for a few lessons in a day.

It's a lot.

Thursday is the day he has the shortest teaching hours, but with a lesson that he finds difficult. Numbers aren't his biggest talent. He can tell you everything about a car, including the speed and how much it goes. He can calculate all that.

But the standard math, he's terrible at it and he doesn't understand it.

"Oh, I have the last information for you about tomorrow. They expect you at 10 o'clock. We meet at the entrance at half past 10. A Ferrari employee is waiting for us there and gives us a tour. Don't walk away from the group. After the tour you can walk around freely to watch the pit stops. We have rented a tent and we can watch tomorrow's free training sessions there. Any questions?" Ask the teacher.

"Are we seeing any drivers?" Asks Lias, and Arthur looks at him while he looks at Arthur and Arthur rolls his eyes.

"Charles and Carlos are both going to meet us there. We can ask them questions and after that, they have time to take pictures or autographs."

"You heard that Arthur! I know what I'm going to ask." Laughs Nathan and Arthur sinks down in his seat.

"Stop that. You are going to act mature, you are not going to make fun of classmates in front of those boys. If you do that, I'm going to send you away immediately." Says the teacher, and Arthur feels his cheeks getting red.

He hates all the attention.

"But sir, don't you want to know the truth!" Says Nathan.

"Don't crash his little dream." Says the teacher, and Arthur's mouth fell open.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now