9. Who's he?

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"Hello." Charles sits down at the table with his friends.

"You have finally decided to join us." Laughs Lando and Charles smiles.

"I was talking with my brother and mother and didn't know it was already this late." Explains Charles.

"Is your mother enjoying herself?" Asks Alex and Charles nods.

"She has come here for years, always with dad and us when we were young, so she knows everything already." Says Charles.

"Are you staying at hers or your own home?"

"My own. But we eat breakfast and all that together, so I'm there early and leave late. I really missed spending time together. We haven't done that a lot in the last few years." Says Charles.

"Who was the boy this evening?" Ask George. "I thought it was you!"

"He's my little brother." Says Charles, and all three of them their mouths fell open.

“You have a younger brother?” Asks Lando.

"How come you never told us about him?" Ask Alex.

"That's why he looked so much like you! Crazy." Says George

And of course, they say it at the same time.

"We want to keep him off the media so that he can enjoy his school. It's really bad I never told you about him." Says Charles.

"I'm really confused. He never stood in the picture you always show us?" Says Alex.

"There's a lot of things happening, and I'm not going to explain it, but I kind of lost him without knowing after papa. I went further with my career and didn't look back at home because it hurt so much back then." Says Charles.

"So he doesn't do anything with racing?" Asks George and Charles shook his head.

"He had to give up for me. We didn't have that much money for two children in karting. It was too much. Arthur had to stop and go to school. I don't know if he ever wants to continue again. " Says Charles.

“How old is he?” Asks Lando.

"Twenty? No wait 2003 and it's not his birthday yet, no. He's nineteen."

"How old is Lorenzo? There's a big age difference, no?" Ask George

"Lorenzo is 34, so 15 years old. And him and me is 6 years." Says Charles.

"God, you were young when your dad died, but he barely has memories with him." Says George and Charles nods.

"Because of videos and pictures, he can remember a lot, but he was thirteen, so it's not a lot. Like the most he can remember himself is when dad got sick." Says Charles.

"Thirteen, so young." Says Alex

"And the worst part is that he was all alone after that and we- no I never noticed." Charles says, and swallows the block in his throat.

"I didn't want to go home because it hurt so much. Plus, I was making my career to F1 so I was always away with Lorenzo. We didn't know that Maman was away too for the same reason. So I don't have a bond with Arthur like I do with Lorenzo." Says Charles.

"That's intense, Charles." Says Lando.

"I never thought about it. I feel so bad. Arthur never had the big brother I had with Lorenzo. I had Lorenzo to look up and he had no one. I should have been his big brother role, and I wasn't and neither was Lorenzo. He learned everything through the internet. Puberty, he was all alone, and it's our fault." Says Charles and bit his lip when he feels the tears burning in his eyes.

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