32. I tried.

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"We are not doing this, Arthur." Says Pierre.

"Do what?" Asks Arthur acting like he doesn't know what he just tried to do.

"I'm not doing this with you. I wouldn't mind spending time together, I think it is fun, but I'm not going to stand between you and your brothers." Says Pierre.

“You're not.” Says Arthur.

"Arthur, you see how annoyed Charles gets with you being friendly with me but annoyed at them. And now you are trying to stay at my place. I know I will get shit with Charles if I let that happen." Explains Pierre

"I'm not angry with you. I have no reason to be mad at you. But I have reasons to be mad at them and he knows them." Says Arthur.

"You three just need to talk." Says Pierre

"I'm done with talking, it doesn't help anything." Says Arthur.

"I don't want this to ruin things between me and Charles, you need to understand that." Says Pierre.

"Right, so spending time with me will get you in trouble. I will fucking leave then." Says Arthur annoyed.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." Pierre grabs his arm when Arthur wanted to walk away.

"If I let you sleep at my place, then I already know Charles is going to be pissed at me." Says Pierre. "And I just don't feel like arguing with him. He's my best mate." Says Pierre.

"Why would you get a discussion with Charles if we hang out together?" Ask Arthur.

"You are here to fix the things that are going on between you guys. That won't help if you are with me all the time." Says Pierre and Arthur roll his eyes.

"They don't even believe me, so I won't try again. There is nothing to fix." Says Arthur.

"It's not good that you think like that." Says Pierre.

"I don't care, Pierre. I'm done having everyone to tell what I need to do or what not." Says Arthur.

"Just try, maybe they will listen this time." Says Pierre.

"Whatever." Says Arthur and takes his arm out of Pierre's grasp.

"You can still come to mine after, so we can watch a movie. You just have to sleep at your hotel room." Says Pierre and Arthur looks at him.

"Maybe that's not a good plan, otherwise Charles will be angry with you, Pierre." Says Arthur and with a last look, he walked away from the French man.

So now people can't spend time with Arthur because Charles can be mad with that.

Great to know.

What's the point of him being here anyway.


"Are you going to be like this the whole weekend?" Charles asks with an irritated sigh and puts his fork back on the plate, the sound of the cutlery hitting the plate can be heard softly echoing. Arthur looks at him and then look at his plate with food. He hadn't taken many bites yet, his appetite had already gone since the conversation with Pierre.

He goes through the food a little with his fork and hopes the time will pass quickly.

Lorenzo and Charles were always talking, and he just sat in silence, looking at his pasta.

"Well I'm annoyed so I think so yeah." Says Arthur

"It's really unbelievable how childish you can be." Says Charles and Arthur let out a laugh.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now