11. These high walls.

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They didn't speak anymore after Arthur broke down.

She wanted to hug Arthur, but he pushed her away, telling her not to touch him, he couldn't handle it.

He always knew that their mother-son relationship was not good, but now he knew that she will never love him like she loves his brothers and it hurts so much.

His stomach is hurting him still, like something heavy is in his stomach, and it's weighing him down. His throat is closed, breathing feels so difficult.

He hates himself for getting in the car. All he wants is to be at home now and lay in his bed, put the covers over him while he sleeps.

He wants to sleep this feeling off and hopes he will feel better tomorrow.

He has his hoodie on with his hood up. He's leaning against the door and his face is covered by the arm he's leaning on.

He hears them talking, but he can't figure out the words. It's not like he tries very hard, but that doesn't matter.

"We're here." Arthur looks up when he feels a hand on his knee.

"Okay." Arthur says and unfastens his seat belt and gets out.

His eyes fall on Alex and Charles, who give each other a hug. Alexandra and Charlotte were both waiting to walk into the paddock with them.

Charles rubs Alex's cheek with his thumb, and she leans into his touch.

How much Arthur wants a hug from someone who is really there for him. A hug that someone really means for him, to give him support.

To let him know they are here for him.

But he has no one and getting a hug from his mother or brothers wouldn't feel like that.

They don't mean it.

After tomorrow they will all leave and he's left alone.

He is curious if he would feel relieved when his brother is away again and his mother will probably go to friends again.

He will be left alone all over again.

"Hey Tur." He looks up when Charlotte brings a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asks and Arthur looks at Lorenzo, who had his eyes on his girlfriend and Arthur.

"I fell with my bike last night, it's okay." Says Arthur.

"You are really quiet."

"I have a headache." Answers Arthur and she nods.

"Just take it easy today." She says and Arthur looks in his hands where he is holding Dennis' hoodie.

He needs to find him, but how? He won't be in the F2 paddock.

"Arthur, you coming?" Asks Charles and Arthur nods and walks with them.

He puts his hood over his head and walks after the others. He looks to the ground and follows their feet.

Arthur hears the shouting and screaming starting and he looks up a bit and his eyes widen.

They walk through a small path where there are fans on both sides. Charles is signing autographs and taking pictures with fans.

He is a bit behind, Lorenzo and the girls are at the front and he is at the back. They speed up to walk and keep up with them. He pulls the hood over his face and feels how his breathing becomes irregular when people start pulling on him.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now