13 Hurting means nothing.

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They are sitting in the restaurant and Arthur can't wait for this night to be over.

His mother didn't say anything to him. Charlotte is keeping an eye on him while Lorenzo does the same as their mother.

He couldn't even make eye contact with Arthur. They talked when Arthur was in the car, explaining some more things about the car while Charles was talking to a man.

He felt better at that moment, but right now, it feels like he becomes back in reality. He feels angry at everyone suddenly again, and they don't even look at him. What did he do wrong? Walking away. He wanted to watch F2 and they knew.

He hears chatting around him. Charles finished p6, and even though he was disappointed, he's been happy since he got back from the media pen. Hugging his family while Arthur was standing further away, when he saw that a person was taking pictures of the scene.

He doesn't feel part of this family and now the truth was shoved in his nose. They didn't even look at him when he stepped away for those pictures. Charles didn't come to find him after hugging everyone, he walked away to clean himself up.

It hurt.

He wasn't part of that moment, and he hates himself for stepping away, but maybe even when he didn't step away, he wouldn't have been part of it or maybe he would, Arthur won't find out.

It's the moment he felt himself closing off again, not wanting to talk with people anymore. He sat down on a chair and pretended to be very busy on his phone as he continued to look at a black screen.

And now it's the same. He is sitting at the table at the far end, and he is quiet, Alex is sitting across from him with Charles next to her. Next to Charles sits their Maman and opposite her sits Lorenzo with Charlotte next to him, and then you have him.

He feels uncomfortable at the table. He hears the surrounding whispers, people who recognize Charles and all Arthur can think about is how he hopes no one will take a picture of them.

He doesn't even want to think about what people say when it comes out he is Charles his brother.

No matter how it goes, tomorrow will be a bad day at his school. Nathan and Lias are not going to leave him alone, and he doesn't even want to think about what they will say.

Friday was embarrassing and the way the two pissed themselves when Arthur had to take the picture with Charles and Carlos is printed on his sight.

Maybe it's better to call himself sick tomorrow, so they can all talk about what they want and maybe leave him alone after a few days when he comes back. Maybe.

He runs his fork through his pasta and then takes a bite. It's really good but he feels full already. His mind is telling him to eat everything fast, so he can go home, but he doesn't want to eat. He did already eat a lot in the Ferrari hospitality.

"We should take a picture!" Says Charles and Arthur is shaken out of his thoughts.

"Yes, Arthur, you don't want to be on pictures. Could you take him?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur's face fell.

"Of course." Arthur puts his face on neutral, and he stand up to take Lorenzo his phone.

He sees everyone smiling and he takes a few pictures. He ignores the heavy feeling in his stomach and then gives the phone back to Lorenzo, who just took it and looks at the pictures.

They start talking again and Arthur starts digging his fork through his food again. The hunger is really gone now.


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