10. Bigger Person

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His head hurts. It feels like someone is pounding on his head with a hammer.

He sits down and with a groan he rests his head in his hands. The side of his eyes is twitching, and he lies back on his back in bed.

Today is going to be a hard day.

The light is coming through his curtains, and it is already warm. Arthur takes the blanket off him and turns to his stomach. The left side of his face hurts, so he turns his head to the right side so that his painful side does not touch the pillow.

Maybe he won't go to the race today. He doesn't want to see his brothers or mother, he doesn't want any loud noise around him because his head already hurts so much. The loud noise of the engine of an F1 car will be a lot to handle if it keeps like this.

But at the same time he needs to go, he wants to find Ollie's teammate, so he can thank him for getting Lias and Nathan away. Without them, he has no idea how he ended up then.

Plus he needs to give Dennis his hoodie back, he promised.

The door opens and Arthur looks at his mother who walks in. She doesn't say anything. She sits down on his bed and gently runs her thumb over the spot near his eye.

"Are you okay?" She asks and Arthur nods. "Yeah." He says softly and keeps looking at her.

She probably thinks he wants attention again, or show everyone how troubled he is.

"I have breakfast ready. Will you come downstairs?" She asks and Arthur frowns.

Wasn't she mad at him?

Didn't she hate him?

"Let me freshen up first." Arthur says and she nods. She runs her hand through Arthur's hair, and then she gets up and walks out of the room.

Arthur watches her go and sits up. What was that?

"Get ready, you young animal." Shouts Lorenzo, and Arthur let out a hard groan and falls back to his pillow.

Lorenzo's loud laugh echoed through the hallway.


He got ready, wearing a new shirt with dark blue pants.

Right now he's fixing his hair. It doesn't look good. His hair doesn't do what he wants, not that he puts much attention to it because his eyes are focused on the wound on his head. There is a small cut on his eyebrow, dried blood around it. His skin is blue, red and thick

If he didn't look ridiculous before, he does now.

He carefully dabs away the blood with a washcloth. It hurts so much that he bites his lip to persevere.

How is he going to explain this? They are going to ask.

Drunk person? No, they probably think it's his fault.

With friends? Maybe.

He hears the door open and close downstairs and then Charles his voice greeting his mother and Lorenzo.

With one last look in the mirror, he walks back to his room, takes a hoodie from the closet, to follow Dennis' advice, and then goes downstairs.

When he comes downstairs, he quickly sees how they are all sitting at the table with fresh sandwiches and toppings on the table.

"Take a seat." Says Maman, and Arthur sits down next to Charles.

"How are you feeling?" Asks Charles and Arthur shrugs.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now