18. 8 months till freedom.

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With a slam from the door, Arthur wakes up and sits up in bed. Outside he hears a car start and then it drives away.

He turns to his clock and it is 8 o'clock. His alarm would have gone off in half an hour. He lies back on his back and sighs.

At least he doesn't have to start a conversation now when they're both downstairs.

He picks up his phone from his bedside table, and then he sees several missed calls from Charles and Lorenzo.

Oh so now they care?

It's too late. They had to think about it when Arthur needed them, and they chose to ignore him.

Choosing to read his messages and then leave him on read while he needs them.

His fingers petrify when another call comes in from Charles calling. He's not picking up.

He can't do this. He knows he will get mad at them. And to be honest, when Arthur needed them they didn't care, and he didn't want to care about them anymore. He wanted to give them this second chance, and they ruined it again the next day. It was Monday, like come on.

They said they would be there for him when he needed them. Yes, he knows they are far away, but picking up the phone is not hard. Especially if you read a message about him asking for help.

Charles: What's going on?

Charles: Why aren't picking up?

Charles: Let us know if you are okay!

Charles: you make us worry Arthur, please.

Charles: Pick up

The notification disappears and Arthur puts his phone away on the bed.

Time to get ready.


He reluctantly enters the school. After yesterday he started counting down the months to January. Eight more months, yes, these will be long months.

The presentation with Alice is going to cause a lot of trouble, and he doesn't know if this is for him or for Alice.

He would hate for Alice to change her experience at the school because of him. He shouldn't ruin her studies, especially now that her life has started again after a long illness.

And then there is the assignment with his family tree. Maybe it is time to say the truth. It is not like Arthur does not know how people treat him now. And if people treat him differently, he knows why. The most important Grand Prix for Monaco has passed so it is not as if he can arrange anything for them.

It's not like Arthur wants to arrange anything for people. Everyone beside Alice so far, treats him like he is under them. And how painful it is to say, but maybe Alice will turn around and maybe Arthur is the problem.

He would love to get to know more about his family, so he really wants to do this. And on the other hand, it would be hilarious to see the faces of his classmates when they see the baby pictures of Arthur with his brothers. Then they will get to know the truth.

And maybe school will be better if people get to know the truth. Maybe they will leave him alone and stop calling him a liar or whatever he is. He hears all the insults towards him, so he has no idea what the problem really is.

They just hate him.

Which is okay and he can't change that.

"Arthur! Hello!" Alice puts an arm around his shoulder and Arthur looks at her.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now