23. Missing post.

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"Okay, but how do you have an eye on him then?" She asks when Arthur lays down. She lies next to him and rolls on her stomach, so she can look at Arthur.

"I like his driving. I started following F2 this year, so I don't know that much, but he shows some good things. And I met him last weekend, and he is a nice bloke." Says Arthur.

"Let me see a picture of him!" She says.

"Then you have to grab your phone because mine is at home, remember" He says.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." She says and grabs her phone from her nightstand.

"How is he called on Instagram?" She asks

“Dennis Hauger.” Replies Arthur and Alice starts typing.

“Oh here.” She mumbles.

“Oh damn.” She says and Arthur laughs.

"He's handsome." Says Alice and Arthur leans over to look at the photos.

"I can understand you have an eye on him." She says and lets out a whistle.

Arthur laughs again at that.

"He's not ugly." Says Arthur.

"If you're not taking him you better introduce me to him." She says and moves her eyebrows up and down while she has a big smile on her face.

"I'm not gay." Says Arthur with a smile. "So no, I'm not taking him." Says Arthur.

“Shame.” She says and Arthur frowns.

"He follows you!" She gaps and Arthur nods.

"We are sometimes taking to each other." Says Arthur.

"That's so cool."

"He's just a man too, you know." Says Arthur and she nods.

"It's crazy to think about how you know some drivers and can get in touch with them because of Charles." She says and Arthur nods.

"It is. Growing up, we had Pierre a lot over at our house, playing with Charles. So it is kinda normal for me that world? Don't know if it makes sense, because Charles was karting, and I did a bit as well, so racing is normal in my family. Dad was one, our uncle, we had Jules. A lot of racing around us growing up." Says Arthur and she nods.

"It's cool, right? Why did you stop karting?" She asks.

"We couldn't handle it financially, so I had to stop. But I went with him a lot to see him driving, and we had karts at home, so sometimes dad took me out to kart together for fun." Explains Arthur

"That's a shame." She says and shrugs.

"Look where it got Charles. It was all worth it." Says Arthur.

"I think it is sweet how happy you are for your brother." She says and Arthur smiles.

"Shame how they treat you." She adds and Arthur rolls his eyes.

“Rude.” He says.

"But the truth." She says, and Arthur can't blame her.

"I must have done something that is like this now." He says and she shook his head.

"From what I know now, they left and never looked back at you. They were at fault, you were just a kid." She says

The door opens and Alice's mother stands at the door.

"Sorry to bother." She says and they both sit up.

"Arthur, they set you up as missing. I'm sorry to interfere, but I recognized your face, so I thought you might want to know this." Her mother says and gave her phone to Arthur.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now