15. Monday, School day

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He made it out of bed, but he regrets that decision when he puts his bike in the rack, and he immediately hears all the surrounding voices. People look at him and Arthur closes his jacket more, it feels like he needs to hide himself and, of course his jacket is not helping him with that, but it hides his mouth and he starts walking. It's raining a bit too so he goes inside.

Eyes are on him, and he hates this feeling. Why are they watching him? Do they know? No that can't be, he was really careful the whole weekend.

"Arthur! The man I was looking for." Shout out to Nathan and he walks towards Arthur.

More eyes on him.

Arthur sighs when Nathan is in front of him with a big grin on his face.

"Look, we were making an advertisement for our school with what we do with our lessons. So how we went to F1 last Friday and to Ferrari, how we met the two drivers. One picture couldn't miss." He turns over the stack of papers he had in his arms and Arthur's mouth fell open a little.

"Ferrari C2 with the wanna be Leclerc."

Under it was the picture of Arthur with Charles and Carlos. People around them starts laughing like Nathan himself, Arthur couldn't.

He didn't think they would do this.

Anger fills his body, and this pain in his chest starts while his hands start to shake, and it feels like someone is closing his throat and he can't breathe anymore.

Anger and panic feels confusing when it happens at the same time. He wants to punch the grin of Nathan's face while he tears the paper to pieces. He wants to run away and go back home because he can't handle this anymore, this humiliation is becoming more and more, and it was something he hoped that would stop.

But it didn't.

It only gets worse.

"What happened, lost your tongue Leclerc?" Asks Lias who is now standing next to Nathan.

"Give that to me." Says Arthur and tried to grab the stack of brochures.

"No way. And otherwise, it's too late Arthur. This beautiful picture is already hanging around the school. Amazing, right?" Says Nathan.

"Of course not! What the hell Nathan!" Says Arthur and it starts to get really warm. It feels like he's sweating through his shirt with how much he's stressing about this.

Nathan and Lias are laughing still, and it feels like he's being ridiculous.

"Ahh come on mom, it's a joke." Says Lias and wraps his arm around Arthur's shoulder.

"For you. You're making fun of me in front of the whole school." Says Arthur.

"Does it look like I give a fuck about that? I gotta go I have to hang more posters around the school." Says Lias and laughs while walking away.

"Charles didn't even know you, so now we know that you are not a brother of Charles Leclerc." Says Nathan and he steps closer.

"You can't trick us into that again. It's just a coincidence that both your names are that. But I knew already, you are not even like them. You haven't achieved anything in your life and they have. You are a no one Leclerc , you hear me." Says Nathan and he stands close to Arthur.

"Not like I said anything about that." Says Arthur.

"So you can stop hiding your family, get the mystery off from that." Says Nathan.

"I hate you." Says Arthur and he means it with his whole body.

"Good, because it isn't over yet.

"I will tell the director." Says Arthur and Nathan laughs.

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