22. Trust

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Arthur sits down on her bed, with a cup of tea in his hand. Alice sits down against her pillow, and she looks at him, but neither of them talks.

Arthur looks away from her and towards his cup of tea.

"Do you want to talk?" She asks and Arthur signs and shrugs.

"I don't know it anymore, Alice. I'm so confused." Says Arthur and she sets her tea down and sits next to him.

"You had a fight with her brother and mother?" She asks and Arthur nods.

"I don't know if I can say it." Says Arthur.

"You don't have to. But everything you tell me will stay between us." She says, and Arthur looks at her.

"My dad died back in 2017, my family has never been the same ever since." Begins Arthur and sets his tea down.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, I can understand that it is a hard grieving process." Says Alice, and Arthur nods.

"It's still hard sometimes. I miss him every day and some moments I need him so much, and they took him from me." Says Arthur

“It tore your family apart?” She asks and Arthur nods.

"It did, my brothers went away for their careers, and I was left behind with my mother, who had just lost the love of her life. So no wonder she was grieving hard. I was really close with her growing up. Everywhere she went, I went with her. But after losing dad, she was away a lot with friends. She didn't want to be at home. And now I do understand that it is hard to be at a home where you build a family together, but she left me there.” Arthur takes a breath.

"It hasn't been the same ever since. She ignored me, left me alone, and suddenly I was all alone in that house. No dad, no brothers and then my mother went away as well."

"How old were you?" Ask Alice

"13, almost 14." Says Arthur and her eyes widened a bit.

"So young." She says and Arthur nods.

"It was hard to first have a close family and one moment everyone is gone, and you are there alone."

"I understand that, that's really difficult." Says Alice and Arthur nods.

"I didn't realize it until I got older, with how lonely I felt. Back then, I thought everything was normal. My brothers went away again for their careers, and Maman lost her husband so she's grieving hard. I lost all my friends and at school I got bullied because I was the child without a father. When I was 18 and stopped school for a while, I could think about what happened in the last few years and how much exactly it hurt me." Says Arthur and Alice wraps an arm around him.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. No child should feel like that." She says and Arthur relaxes against her body.

"All Maman and I do is fight, and I'm so done with it. I can do nothing good anymore, and she thinks I'm a lot of trouble. Okay, maybe I was as a child, but life was hard in school, and she didn't understand. She didn't listen to me. No one did." Says Arthur and Alice grabs his hand.

"From now one, you are not alone anymore, Arthur. What happened to you and your family is terrible, and I'm so sorry that it tore your family apart. But it is not okay to feel so alone in these times, you needed your family, and they left you in the dust." Says Alice and Arthur feels the tears burning in his eyes.

"After last weekend everything has only become more difficult. Charles and Lorenzo wanted to make everything better when they found out how little they actually knew me. When I called or sent a message I barely got an answer back, and I often asked them about why we weren't able to speak over the years. I knew it was because they were always in another country, and the time difference."

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