24. You don't know who I am...

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"Are you sure?" Alice asks when they are ready to get in the car to go to school.

"Yes, we have lessons. I can't just skip them. Plus on Thursday you will come with me for the internship. So we have to prepare a few things for the presentation." Arthur says.

"I can also just call you for that. If you are not ready to go to school th-"

"Alice, it will be fine." Arthur says and Alice nods.

“Alright.” She says.

"Did you sleep a bit?" She asks and Arthur nods.

"Better than I thought I would be. I woke up a few times, but I didn't really lose sleep." Arthur says.

"Good." She says and Arthur nods.

“Ready?” She asks

"Let's go." Arthur says

"Bye, Mom! See you tonight!" Alice screams, and with a goodbye from her mother, they leave the house.

Alice opens her car door and they get in. Backpacks in the back and Arthur puts on his seatbelt.

"Did you think about what you would say when people ask?" Alice asks when she starts driving.

"About what?" Arthur asks.

"Your missing person's post by the police. People know it is serious when they post it." Alice says.

"I don't owe them anything. So they don't need to know anything." Arthur says and Alice nods.

“Alright.” She says.

"They don't have to know, they are not my friends, so I don't know why it would matter to know."

"People these days want to know everything when something happens in their city." Says Alice.

"True, but I don't think it's necessary," Says Arthur.

"Then we won't say anything. My mouth is locked." She says and Arthur smiles at her.

"Thank you." He says and she smiles.

"No thanks, remember." She says and Arthur laughs.

Last night he said thank you a lot of times, because they had arranged everything, such as an air mattress with a blanket and pillows, so he could sleep there. Alice didn't want to hear the word anymore, they were friends, and you do all of that to help a friend.

"Yes, Ma'am " Laughs Arthur, and she lets out a chuckle even though she wanted to look mad at him.

"Are you staying tonight too? We can watch the movie again." She says and Arthur nods.

"That's fun. We didn't see much did we?" Says Arthur and she shook her head.

"We fell asleep quickly." She says.

Soon they arrived at school and Alice parked the car.

"Ugh I don't feel like it." Alice says and puts her head against her steering wheel.

"It's only nine hours." Says Arthur laughing and she glares at him.

"I'm dying." She groans.

"Don't be dramatic." Says Arthur.

"It's my second name." Says Alice, and Arthur lays a hand on her arm.

"It will be fine." He says, and she sits up and then drops her head against his shoulder.

"We can also call in sick and just go somewhere else." She says and Arthur looks down at her.

Can he put his arms around her or would that be weird?

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