5. First day to disaster...

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“Leclerc?” Dennis asks and Arthur smiles.

"Yeah." He didn't want to talk about it and he thinks that Dennis saw it.

"You follow F2?" Asks Dennis and Arthur nods.

"I do, this season have a lot of good drivers. The rookies are good too, no." Says Arthur and Dennis nods.

"We have some different winners." Says Dennis.

"And you too." Says Arthur.

"But you still didn't recognize me." Says Dennis and he laughs. Arthur lets out a cuckle and slaps a hand on his face.

"Bad, isn't it." Says Arthur.

“A bit.” Says Dennis.

"I do know your name, but I started this year watching F2, so I'm still learning all the names and faces, names I do know now but faces not so. Don't blame me." Laughs Arthur.

"You knew I won, so I will forgive you." Says Dennis.

"How was practice?" Asks Arthur.

"It was good, the car felt great so that says something for qualification." Says Dennis.

"Go grab them." Says Arthur.

"You probably say that to everyone." Says Dennis, and Arthur looks at Dennis and his mouth fell open.

"I don't!" Says Arthur and Dennis laughs.

"It sounds weird if I told you that I really do like your driving style and keep an eye out for when the races are." Says Arthur.

"Ahh that's sweet." Says Dennis and Arthur roll his eyes.

"Arthur!" Lorenzo shouts and Arthur looks back.

"I'll come!" Arthur shouts back and turns back to Dennis.

"Good luck this weekend." Says Arthur and Dennis smiles.

"It will be better now I know I have a fan watching." Says Dennis.

"A fan." Says Arthur and laughs himself.

"I think Charles doesn't like me very much if I say I'm a fan of someone else." Says Arthur.

"Who says he has to know." Says Dennis and winks at him.

"Bye Dennis." Says Arthur.

"Bye Arthur, it was nice meeting you."

"You too." Says Arthur and smiles when he looks at Dennis for one last time and then turns around and starts walking.

When he almost arrives by Lorenzo, he looks around one more time and sees Dennis laughing with someone from the team.

"There you are. Rene this is Arthur. Art this is Rene." Says Lorenzo and Arthur shook his hand.

"Lorenzo told me you were watching the races." Says Rene.

“I do, yeah.” Says Arthur.

Not that he's watching them per se, but Rene doesn't need to know that.

"I love the look of the car." Says Arthur and looks at the red, white and green car. He really does like the way the car looks.

"Thank you." Says Rene.

"Did you ever race?" He asks and Arthur looks at him and then back to the car.

"I did, I had to stop because it was too much with two kids. I'm now following a study at the Uni of Monaco." Says Arthur.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now