1. You can't deny how hard I've tried.

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"Arthur." Says Charles and wraps his arms around his younger brother, who he hasn't seen for almost three months.

"Hello." Says Arthur and press his face against the neck of Charles.

He missed them so much.

It's been a lonely few months. After a year off, Arthur started at the International University of Monaco. He didn't know what he wanted, still didn't, but he hated the year at home, so he chose a study that he is interested in and will see where he ends up. He is studying sports business management.

His love for sports is big and where his interests are, so one and one is two.

"Gosh you have grown so much." Says Lorenzo who hugs Arthur.

"Don't be like that, I haven't grown at all stop that, you say that every time." Laughs Arthur and help them taking the bags out of the car.

"Is Maman not home?" Asks Charles when he walks out of their childhood home again and Arthur stops walking and looks at Charles. He stares and then shook his head and starts walking again.

"What do you mean, no?" Asks Charles.

"I have no idea where she is, probably with a friend again. No idea." Says Arthur, and then swallows.

He doesn't even remember when he sat with her on the couch watching a movie for the last time. He didn't see her much, like in the last few years.

"You don't know, didn't she say anything?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur shook his head.

"Do you want something to drink?" Ask Arthur.

"Don't ignore this. Did you two have a fight?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur sighs and turns around and leans against the kitchen table.

"No, she is going out with friends or whatever she's doing. I don't even know when I really saw her in the last few months. That is not only a hello or goodbye. She's away a lot and I am too." Says Arthur.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ask Charles.

"And then? She's having fun with friends, let her be." Says Arthur.

It's not like she cares about him or his brothers.

Otherwise you wouldn't go away all the time, never answer the phone or messages that Arthur sends.

She doesn't care.

She never saw the emails or the letters that came in from his school.

She doesn't know a shit.

"I will talk with her. Something could be going on with her and you don't even care." Says Charles, and Arthur's eyes widen.

"I don't care? I text her or call her all the time and she doesn't answer. I'm done trying when she doesn't even care." Says Arthur, and Charles rolls his eyes and grab something to drink inside of the fridge.

"So you have been alone?" Asks Lorenzo.

"I'm an adult."

"You're nineteen," Says Lorenzo and now it is Arthur who rolls his eyes.

"Almost twenty." Says Arthur.

"That is still five months away, Petit." Says Charles.

"I can handle taking care of myself, don't worry."

"She's not even here for dinner?" Asks Charles.

"I make food for her every night and I can see in the refrigerator whether she has eaten or not." Says Arthur.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now