4. Leclerc?

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"Hello Arthur, good on time." Says his teacher and Arthur give him a smile and takes his pass from him.

"Excited?" Asks Arthur and his teacher has a big smile on his face.

Arthur always had good contact with Mr Ardon. It's the only teacher who doesn't make fun of his surname.

"I am! This is the first time I've ever gone to a Grand Prix."

"Big fan?" asks Arthur.

"I am. But I never had the chance to go or the money." He says.

"Well you're young, and now you work here so you can go for free on Friday." Says Arthur, and the man smiles.

"Have you been before?"

"Yeah, I used to be with my father and brothers. And for the last few years I went with my mother." Says Arthur

"Not your dad and brothers?"

"My dad died in 2017 and since then I went with my mum, and I haven't seen my brothers much, really." Says Arthur.

"I didn't know that. I'm so sorry." He says.

"It's shitty but yeah, we can't chance it. My brothers are older than me so they are out of the house." Says Arthur.

"How much?"

"The middle is 25 and the oldest 34."

"There are age gaps, no? You are?"

"There is yes, I'm nineteen. I think I wasn't planned." Laughs Arthur.

"Well, if they already had such a gab to your other brothers."

"Enzo, the oldest, has a different father, so Maman had him with another man." Says Arthur and Mr Ardon makes an O with his mouth.

"That can explain."

They are interrupted by other students arriving and Arthur looks around.

He sees a lot of people walking, almost everyone has formula 1 merchandise on, all different teams. It makes him smile how many people are wearing the Ferrari merchandise with Charles on his back.

It's always nice to see how loved Charles is in their hometown.

"So, ready to get you exposed?" Nathan wraps an arm around Arthur's shoulder and Arthur rolls his eyes.

"I'm more curious about how they will look at you with your red bull shirt." Says Arthur, and Nathan let him go.

"I can't wait to ask Charles."

"You really dare?" Asks Arthur and he looks bored at Nathan.

He doesn't feel scared. The teachers have already told him that he can't ask that and if they do, they will see what happens. He already knows in his class who he can trust.

No one.

He was really stressed about it. But last night he thought, what if they know? It's not a crime, he's the brother of. And no one stood up for him, so he would never make friends in his school.

"Charles and Lorenzo left yesterday with someone who hide themselves. Do you think it was Arthur?" Arthur looks around at who he sees talking, but he doesn't see anyone looking at him. He doesn't reconize the voice but people are thinking about it.

"You are not even listening to me." Arthur feels a fist against his chest and then looks up at Nathan again.

"What if I don't want to?"

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